Chapter 10

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Cassandra was in a box, a box full of cameras watching her every move. It was maddening knowing someone was looking at her, studying her. She wasn't an animal and nether was Codon who slept on the cold floor, on the other side of a thick see through glass. More than once Cassandra had called out to him, but no answer, she was starting to think that he couldn't hear her.
They had taken them in a fast sweep; Cassandra hadn't known what was going on until it was too late. God she hadn't thought that the man on her recorder would come back for her, she hadn't thought that he still was looking for her. Tears filled Cassandra's eyes just thinking about their short meeting. Filled with looking in to his cold eyes as he told her, how much of a whore she was for sleeping with an animal. But unlike his daughter who had begged in fear at his feet, Cassandra had only spit in his face.
Needing to feel close to him, Cassandra sat on the other side of the glass looking at him sleep peacefully. "We'll get out of this Codon . . . somehow." Cassandra sat there the cold glass cooling her hot skin, damn Cassandra found herself getting hot and hotter, and why did they have the heat so damn high. She felt like she was in an oven, being cooked alive. With a sigh of irritation Cassandra opened her bath rod a little to let in some air.
That's when the door opened, with a gape Cassandra got to her knees and begun to hammer on the glass wall. As they walked in and took Codon away, Cassandra screamed at them to stop, to leave him alone but nothing helped. Tears filled her eyes, as she watched helplessly; needing to know where they were taking him Cassandra got to her feet and ran to the door.
Out the small window Cassandra watched as they injected something into Codon's arms. Then they wheeled in a woman strapped to a metal bed. Codon seem to awake then his angry growl calling out to her making her want to go to him calm him. But Cassandra could only watch as he and the woman was pushing into his room.
Codon started to sweat and moan in pain on the floor his eyes opening to look at her. Cassandra heart hurt, seeing him in so much pain and knowing she couldn't do anything about it.
"What have they done to you?" Cassandra asked as she put her head to the cold glass. Codon looked at her sadness, so much sadness showed on his face.
"I'm . . . sorry . . . Sandra, I'm so sorry." He said pain doing more than just filling his voice, but fill her vary soul.
Giving him a light smile to ease him, Cassandra spoke to him. "Codon it's not your fault we're here." It was hers, maybe if she had just stayed at Sanctuary or had gone to Seth. But she hadn't, again she had need to do thing by herself, instead of asking for help when she know she needed it.
"No not just that . . . but for what I'm about to do." he said slowly getting to his feet and walking to the glass, getting to her feet as will Cassandra pushed herself closer, as he did the same. Looking in to his eyes she could see the pupils dilated as his musicals jumped, as if he were losing control. Like the time they had first mated.
"Oh god," Cassandra said moving away from the glass, hot tears fill her eyes as she released what was going to happen. They were going to try and re-mate Codon with another woman, with a little too much hatred Cassandra looked over at the drugged out woman on the table. Cassandra's hands started to shake, as she shook her head. No, no, no he couldn't mate another woman, god damn it she didn't want to watch it, yet she couldn't look away from his eyes his pain filled eyes.
Cassandra watched as his breath came harder and faster, watched as he started to hiss out his burning pain of need, his canines showing as he pushed himself more in to the wall. As if he was trying to move through it and get to her.
"No!" Codon roared as he started to hit the glass that separated them, over and over he attacked the wall, each hit making her flinch as she watched blood started to stain his fist. Cassandra cried out for him to stop, not wanting to see him hurt himself like this. But he didn't just bet at the wall harder, as if he didn't get to her he would die.
"Halt breed or it will be Miss Paved on a table laid out for a breed to take and you whose watches helplessly." A male voice said from outside their room, making them both freezes in place. Anther roar of outrage ring out, making Cassandra ease down the other side of the wall. Codon looked at her, looked at her and she could see the torture of having to do what he was about to do, not wanting her to suffer the same.
"Don't," Cassandra said finding her voice; she would not set by and watch a woman be raped, just so she could stop her own rape, for who knows how long. Codon didn't look at her then just turned his back and walked to the woman on the table, his movement tight as if each step was painful. "Codon don't, please don't do it." She was at the glass again, hammering at it as she yelled at him.
Codon froze a foot away from the woman's body his powerful back not turning to look at her. "Cassandra, turn away." he commanded his hard body taking another step to the drugged out woman.
"No, god damn it, I will not turn my back and let you rape her."
"Sandra I will not set back and watch you get rape." He roared at her his head going down like he had tried to think of another way but found none.

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