The claim of the poor soul

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its been a week since the first encounter, the survivor grows more anxious and report it to the authorities but the word of that creature still haunts him, 2 weeks after the encounter, the man can't hesitate longer and told his claim to the Alaskan authorities, and first was denied, but the fisherman offered the evidence to go to that location again. the authorities followed and sends a search party with the fisherman to lead which hesitated because of the creature but later accepts it.

"the horizon looks beautiful here" said the captain of the search party

"this island isn't in our map, that's weird" said the other man

"i thought of a name for this island... maybe Twilight island?" said the youngest man on the expedition

"found something" claims one

"is that... a human... bone?" said another

"looks like it" said a retired doctor in the search party

then as a touch of the skeletal remain of the fisherman, the survivor spoked. "we're not alone... it's here"

"what? what do you mean by it?" said one police

"the... it's...-" without finishing a blade ignited and through the chest of the poor soul

"K A R M A" a voice spoke from the mist

it's them. the men scared and confused pulled out their guns, the creature became visible and walks towards the men, the men opened fire. no effect, it pulled out a sword from its left and started to walk faster then charging towards them, it impales one through its bullet proof vest with little resistance. the captain could only watch and tell his men to retreat but its muffled with men screaming, gun fire, and growls. the captain can't see his men no longer and orders to retreat back to mainland America.

The captain turned to the SCP foundation and told them the coordinate of the creature they went to the said coordinate with gears, they proceeded to enter the island and surround it, men with firearms and tranquilizer the creature appeared, but this time with no drawing of its mystical weapon and only watched as the men get closer, one fired a tranquilizer dart at it, it bounced off. the creature turned to the person who fired the dart and this time, it reached its hand towards to the man and started to choke and crashing the man's neck with its powers, the man fell dead, they all fired darts at it most didn't work only four pierced its skin and only 15 second later the creature collapsed and they started to contain it.

to be continued*

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