Risky Cross-testing but ok?

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Experiment Cross-testing:

SCP-120117 And SCP-053

A.K.A. The Werewolf pup of the Twilight Island, Young Girl

O.C. Neutral, Euclid

SCP-120117 is picked up from her containment and headed to a Temporary containment area, SCP-120117 is let freed to explore the containment and other stuff while SCP-053 is transported to the site. After 10 minutes, SCP-053 is set free in the containment with SCP-120117, CCTV footage shows SCP-053 playing around with the provided toys inside the containment cell, no seen activity by SCP-120117 in the room, suggesting that he used its power to conceal her self and stalk the Young Girl.

Cross-testing log with Dr. Thompson: "So far no interaction is acted by both SCPs, yet we can't see what SCP-120117 is doing due of it's concealment capability, we can only hope it's just watching SCP-053" (SCP-053 playing and talking in the cell heard in the background)

20 minutes later SCP-053 was bored and seeks other ways to keep her entertain. A pile of crayons sudden moves followed by a load thud, SCP-053 startled and scared, SCP-120117 showed her self to the Young Girl, SCP-053 calm downed little by little and approached SCP-120117. SCP-120117 just stared at the Young Girl with glowing eyes and making purring sounds, SCP-053 stops and admires SCP-120117 before letting a high pitched scream "PUPPY!". SCP-120117 is immediately distressed and growling.

Another log during the cross-testing by Dr. Thompson: "Oh no this can't be good" (growling in the background by SCP-120117)

SCP-120117 ran to a corner covering it's ears while SCP-053 approaches The Twilight Wolf, screaming stopped and growling lessens little by little. SCP-053 started petting SCP-120117 which was on the verge of extreme distress was calmed downed by the series of pets by SCP-053. 20 minutes later SCP-120117 started a conversation with SCP-053, SCP-053 respones are typical for 3 year olds, SCP-120117 acted much like a sibling to SCP-053, playing with the Young Girl, singing, chatting, etc. it's been hour since the encounter and both SCPs are having a good time hanging out, SCP-120117 sat down while SCP-053 is getting contained to put back to her cell, SCP-120117 stared at the staff members trying to transport SCP-053 like she's making sure SCP-053 doesn't get hurt like a mother.

another cross-testing in the future

SCP-120117 vs. SCP-***

to be contineud*

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