Interview with a Cute Wolf girl

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Interview #1

Interviewee: SCP-120117

Interviewer: Dr. Tom Scott


Audio Log:

"Well, 120117. It's time for your interview"

"What's that?" *tilts head to the Interviewer*

"Ah, well it's a method of getting information, I'll ask you some question and you'll answer it for us, ok?"

*nods head and bows head down and plays with hands*

"Ok, so first question, how do you feel right now?"

"Eh, usual mood"

"ok, what's your thought about the SCP Foundation?"

"Dangerous, you guys have my respect on doing you job of containing this monsters to keep your species from going extinct, yet I wonder how you do this stuff..."

"Thanks I guess, well whats your purpose in this cruel dangerous world?"

"... how do you say it... the, *mumbles*. the..." pauses to think

"it's ok if you can't answer, we'll just mov-"

"no need... let me think"

1 minute later

"ok, my purpose. yesh, well to make it simple, I'am here to bring balance to the world. I'am life and death, the scales who judges the wrong and rightful, I'am the Karma of actions and doings... The fisherman you brought with you to my homeland. He broke a promise to keep my homeland not discovered, he died from his consequence. Killed by the very being he broke a word."

"ok... what's your name?"

"Call me anything."

"alright, what's your relationship with SCP-053 and SCP-049?"

"I' am the older sibling i guess to 053 and friends with 049"

"do you have any family members, if so where are they?"

"well, my sibling is with me. parents, well we never met them except for my older brother, Wolfirr"

"oh sorry, can we see your siblings?"

"sure, here Wolfirr, Wolfy, thats me, Zackerris'ch but we call him Zack, Ales'x, and Kanairr we call her Kai" *uses power to make holograms to show the siblings*

"what's your gender?"

"in terms of physical gender, we're unisex, in sexuality we're bisexual"

"well, how old are you?"

"we've been here as humanity rose from other animals here"

"what's your language and can you write the alphabet in this paper?"

"my language is called 'Twialarrtirr' which means 'Twilight'." *writes down alphabet*

Aa   Bb  Cc  Dd  Ee Ff Gg Hh  Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz     RR rr  '   Sh Ch

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Aa   Bb  Cc  Dd  Ee Ff Gg Hh  Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz     RR rr  '   Sh Ch

"ok, this will conduct the interview, thanks for you cooperation SCP-120117"

End Log

SCP cross-testing next chapter

SCP-120117 and SCP-****

to be continued*

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