For Publicity

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I am annoyed. Everything is loud. I seriously want to go home this instant. I just got here in the studio and my inner soul wants to tell me to go home now.

"Nong Bright, standby , we will start your photoshoot in a few seconds"

A staff carrying a checklist came and announced this to me. I just responded by nodding my head and gave a wide smile.

I am really tired giving smiles and changing my personality all the time when I am with other people. It tires my face but I really can't show my true self right? No one wants an introvert and anti-social person like me. They say that when you are a personality, you must be a role model of earnesty, gratitude and kindness.

Im still surprised why a person who hates noises and crowd like me became popular. Maybe because of my visuals whom I inherited from our family. A quarter chinese, and American and half thai.

"Nong bright! Lets start!" The staff came in again and called me . I went inside the photoshoot area and another staff cane near me and tried to fix my make-up. After fixing my make up, I slapped my face lightly with my two hands and shove my signature bright smile. I was not named bright just for nothing right?
I walked near the area surrounded by cameras and was tasked to strike a pose.

I started my career in the entertainment industry just almost recently, and believe me, in these times, I tried showing my true self but I became no one. Actually I really wanted to become a singer, not an actor. Ever since I was a child , I grew into music and my love for it was superb. Even when I am always alone, I never felt like it when i am surrounded by these lovely melodies.

I remember back in the old days, I tried to do an instagram live to interact with fans. Where I got very few viewers, I tried smiling and be goofy for a while in the live and it went up to 300 viewers. I was kinda happy because atleast 300 people wanted to see me and maybe these people wanted to know who I really am. Few moments later, i tried to be myself. From goofy to quiet person. I went to get my guitar and started singing. I was shocked that 200 viewers was gone when i started singing.
That is when I learned that , never again will I show my true self to others.

"That's it for today!"

"Thank you for your hardwork everyone!"

" lets wrap up!"
As the director formally ended the photoshoot, everybody starts to clean up and pack everything. Everyone thanked me for my appearance on this photoshoot, and I thanked them in return. I was given a little orientation about what will happen in the photoshoot and the approximate date when it will published and after that, the moment I have been waiting for!! Going home!!

I was always put on this poker face whenever no one is around and theres no camera lingering behind me. And when someone pops up, I immediately curve my lips to smile and pretend to be goofy as always.
Its the same old story, I am used to it now.

After everything's finished, I gave my goodbyes to everyone and to my manager , brought my bag and drove myself home. At last! My paradise! I immediately rolled myself unto my gray bed and tucked my head under the pillow.
This is satisfying as ever! I took a nap for a bit and started freshening up.
It's already 8 pm and I already wore my pajamas. I turned the T.V on and lazily slouched my whole body on the couch and checked my phone for updates. As usual, my loyal fans busily tagging me in their lovely and funny tweets and pictures. Dont get me wrong, I may hate crowds, noise and socialization , but I really do love my fans. They are the reason why am I still pursuing this career. I want to make them happy. I have this habit of replying some of my fans who were tagging me so I can interact with them from time to time.
I was enjoying replying to my fans when I received a message .

@ nnevy
"Baby have you gone home already?"

"Yes I do."

"Let me guess? You sitting on the couch and tweeting on twitter right? With the t.v turned on of course"

Yes, that's right. I have a lovely girlfriend. She was one of the best thing that happened to me. She was one of my happiness besides from my fans.

"Lol. You're certainly right"

I replied and laughed at my seat. I am really happy, today is a busy day and Im glad she messaged me first. I was about to message her after all. Well, I really missed her. I should call her.

"Hello kha? "

"Hello love, how are you?"

" I am fine. I was about to go to sleep, tomorrow is going to be a busy day for me. How bout you? How was my introvert man?"

" You don't have to emphasize that lol, you just miss me right? " I said and giggled a bit.

" Uhm maybe, I was missing an anti-social man who seems to put on a fake smile around everyone and pretend to enjoy crowds even though you are very annoyed naaa. I really do na khaa."

"Lol babe , i dont know if I will be happy about what you said or sulk about it instead "

"Hahah. I just know you well, I know you kept praying to yourself that the photoshoot ends early to escape from everyone. You dont even take to malls that frequently " she said still teasing me.

"Then I apologize for not taking you on proper dates, But I will try liking crowds"

"No you dont have to do that. Just being with you is fine 😊" she said lovingly. My heart felt warm , i never thought i could find someone like this. I want to make her happy all her life .

"Babe, I have to go to sleep. You know Im busy, I was about to graduate. Hehe"

"Yes I know. Better rest . Always take care of yourself ok?"

"Ok na khaa. I love you na khaaa" she said sweetly with kissing sounds at the end. I responded I love her too and ended the call.

After our call, I went straightly to bed and slept.

Annoying Mr. IntrovertWhere stories live. Discover now