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"Hey. Cut it down. You are eating so much already" I hissed to the guy who has countlessly chomping on different kinds of food in front of him. .

"P' have pity on me. You know I really love eating right? Just cant help myself" He said pouting at me.

"We need to get you in fit right? " Yes. Its only been a week since I helped him do diet and gym exercise and this guy right here, is pigging the hell out of the food around him.

"Cheat day!" He giggled .

"Youve been disciplined and went overboard of your diet these past few days. What happened today?"

"Just this once Pbright! Let me eat. My last pig out" he added nd gave me  mischievous smile.

"I cant stop you eitherways. So, what's the point?" I rolled my eyes and sat on the chair.
We are given a few weeks break before shooting the episodes. This is given for us to do some workshops and practice together , but all this time, we just go to the gym and work out.
Actually Win has been doing his very best and I admire that in him.
He was so dedicated to lose weight like , even I cannot do that.
For a week now, he has been working so hard to do gym works. And he has been fasting and starving himself. My only concern for today is that, his hard work might go to waste if he pigged out too much. But I guess its not bad to have him his cheat day.

Relationship status? I could say that we became more close this time. Doing football and workouts together. But dont get me wrong, He was still annoying and my ears are still stinging when he speak. Like hell. His voice is like strucker. Even deaf people could definitely hear his voice lol.
But its not bad having him as a company..

"How are we supposed to workout now? It seems like youre about to vomit anytime" I said to Win who was lazily slouched his back on the sofa and holding his bulged tummy.

"I am definetly fine P bright!"


"Geez. You are really something" I said and grabbed the pile of papers I had on the table.

"So let's practice lines for now" I initiated. This made him sat properly and also held the piled papers he has on his bag.

Well, the first few lines of the first episode has no touch of true romance yet. I practiced him his lines with his friends, and I can say he was really doing a great job. I also adviced him some things about his facial expressions and he really he is a good listener. Applying all my advices immediately.



"Say it already. Im in a rush"

"Can you.." and he stares at me with those eyes of him. His expressions is looking like ....

He is beautiful.

"P Bright? Your line?"

Ohh shoot! I stunned.

"Oh right.  Sorry" I literally panicked. I stare at his face for a long time that I didnt even remember my line. Why is this scenario always happen to me? What the heck?

"Where are we again? " I said literally panicking and scrolling the papers messily.

"On the kiss till I drop?" He said ...

"Oh right. Lets start again"

"Okayy!" He attentively said and went back to his acting face.

"Saraleo!!" He shouted so sudden and I kind off freaked out in the moment. 
I really thought he was cursing me.

Annoying Mr. IntrovertWhere stories live. Discover now