Parting Ways

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Terms Used:
P': Senior/someone older
Nong: Junior/someone younger
Kha: polite word used for females
Khrub: Polite word used for males


Years had passed by, and my popularity grew larger and larger across the country. I made various dramas and series and have guested many shows. I never knew I could pop this big. I just dreamed of becoming a singer , I never realized that I will be famous for being an actor.
I somehow learn to get along with others that well for the past years. Thanks to my lovely partner nnevy , I learn to make adjustments with myself and cope up with lots of my upcoming projects. I really do have the best girl right? Weve been together for 2 years now and still going strong , I hope?

Because of my tight schedule and project, we dont see each other that well. We barely talk either. I miss her. I noticed something is changed in our relationship, but i do not have the time to think about it that much.


"Hello khrub? "

"Yo! Bright!"

"Yes P'?"

"I was notified earlier that you are invited by gmmtv to play a BL series. You know BL series right?" My manager asked me somehow worried.

"You mean a drama with man to man love storyline? I do know it " I responded in a monotone voice.

"Gmmtv was planning to put the novel story 2gether into a series released probably by 2020. What do you say nong?"

" The genre doesn't really matter P'. But I was new to this, I dont really lnow if I could do well"

"Ok ok I understand. Think carefully first. Just tell me if you want to do it ok? We'll notify the group"

"Ok P' thank you so much"

And the call ended with those sentences. Well I do have a background of BL dramas, to be honest I already watched some of those. And I really admired the actors who are portrayinh these kinds of roles. They don't really mind being perceived as gay, as long as they can do their job well and bring joy to fans.

I do have a friend who will be portraying a BL drama, Gulf Kanawut. We go to the same school before and we both love football (soccer) , thats why we became close.

Isnt it too early to plan a series that will be aired like more than a year from now? This is a first for me to be doing a gay role, I really don't have confidence to myself if i can do well.
Well, let me just call my bae. I missed her, since i was on my break today.

"Hello na kha?? "

"Hello babe. How are you?"

"I am fine na kha. Is there something wrong?"

"Will I just be calling you if I have a problem?"

"Haha. Nooo. Just want to make sure nothing is wrong. How are you?"

"I am on my break now. Want to eat together later?" I said in a sweet voice

"Ahm. Bright, maybe I can't. Too busy here. Maybe some other time? "

"Ohh." it quite saddened me, for most of the time, when I am on my breaks, I am invite her to meet with me. But recently, she rejects me most of the time.

"Are you angry na kha?" She asked me, to be honest yes. I am quite angry because she rejects me frequently now. And she's always busy. Busier than I am I guess. I just sighed in response, instead of saying any annoyed words to her.

"I will make time I promise. Please dont be angry with me na kha??"

"I just missed you. I want to see you" I said in a very lonely manner. I really want to see her. It's been 2 months? Or more than i guess.

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