He is so Loud!

510 30 6

P'= senior
Nong= junior
Na= it means please in thai

Everything is just the same for me. Boring, annoying crowds, and this noisy fella beside me is hella pain in the ass.

"P' Did you sleep early last night? " this big guy so near beside me said, with sparkly lights shining in his eyes. This guy is really something. He gets all goofy and sparkly everywhere and anytime. Sometimes just looking at him makes me tired. He shouldnt be cute at all. Imagine being a huge ass 6 feet tall man, how can we define a guy with bench body cute?But sometimes I envy him, only one smile , he turns all puffy and soft. He is somehow easy to approach. He is only going here around for just a week and he already got lots of friends. I can't relate at all. When I was rookie years ago, I dont talk to anyone at all. I talk to myself.
And Who ask this kind of question? He's trying to talk to me for a while now but as usual, I ain't been talking to him unless it is needed.

I ignored his question and focused my attention to the script I was holding. Since the casts are already finalized, we are going to shoot the unofficial trailer today. Unofficial trailer? Yes, Gmm always does that, to see and test if the series will be popular or not. But the script and storline we are holding right now isnt final yet, its random writing only for the trailer.

"P' you know, I couldnt sleep at all last night. Is my face too bad? I was so nervous about the shooting I couldnt even close my eyes peacefully last night because of this shooting" he talked and talked beside me. Encircling his fingers around his eyes to showcase the eyebags he gained last night to me who isn't even paying attention to him at all.

I like the storyline. My only concern is, how can I act love scenes with a guy? I am not used to it at all. And I didnt fell inlove with a guy before, how can I portray this? Imagine nnevvy with him? I thought of this and stare at this guy beside me. This guy who immediately smiled widely, revealing those bunny teeth of his when I looked at him.

"No way , No way.." I protest to myself . He is a guy after all. There is no way I can imagine the feelings I had for nnevvy to him.

"No way?" He asked becoming curious because of my expression. I shook my head telling him "Its Nothing".

" Shooting in 15 minutes" the staff announced from a far and vanished back to talk the director again.

"Why dont we practice our lines P'? I am really nervous right now." He started panicking all of a sudden and moving restlessly.

"What If I do well? What if I messed up? What if I forgot my line???? What if the director is not satisfied with ny acting? What if-"

"Hey. You are loud." Yes, he is being too loud and my nerves started flicking because of that. I want to glare at him and say to his face how annoying he is. But looking how nervous he is, I kind of remember my rookie self years ago. I was like this too.

"Calm down. You will do well" I said staring at his eyes and smiled. His breathing was slowed down ang gave out a deep sigh.

"Do you really think so?"

"Yep. You can do it. Just trust yourself"

"Thank you P' Bright!!!" He said loudly to my face. I really can't with this guy. He is too loud, I think my eardrums will gonna bleed from his yelling.

"Loud, loud" I said attempting to cover my ears with my hands.

"My bad" he said and giggled a bit

"Looking me like that. I will kiss you till you drop"


Couple of scenes run smoothly. Most of them only did one takes. And I am really doing well especially with the scenes of me playing guitar like I am in a real concert . I love music and seeing myself doing concert like scenes really warms my heart.

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