The Plan

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"Woah. So this is where you live P'?" The huge guy beside me said in awe while still holding the steering wheel of his car.

"Its a normal place. Why are you so wondered?" This kid surely is wierd, driving a BMW car but dropped his jaw over my apartment? He looks like he is more rich than me.
After seconds of touring his eyes, he parked the car in the parking lot. I told him to just drop me in front but he insisted to park it in front. He is too noisy so I couldnt do anything but to agree. He is giving me too much work, the parking  lot is farther than the entrance to my apartment.

"Im going now" I said and went out of the car.

Minutes of walking, the nerves in my head starts to tickle.

"Do you think I wont notice you following me?" I spoke to the guy hiding behind the post after clicking the button of the elevator.

"You noticed? You are amazing P'bright heheehh" he said and scratched his head in embarassment.

"What do you want? Go home already. "


"What now?" I  faced this suddenly shy guy who was looking at his two index fingers pointing at each other.

"Can I--


"I havent said anything yet"

"No. Go home now" I said and focused my eyes on the elevator who will soon to be opened any minute now.




Just as soon as the elevator door opens, I took a step inside. But wow, look who went first inside before me. This really pains me now, I cant even have peace even in my own apartment??? .

I stand on the doors of the elevator to keep it open , and glared at him sharply , signaling him to go outside.

"I just want to see your apartment" he pleaded and gave me a smile.
Because of being pissed, I sighed deeply to calm myself down.

"Win... Go home"  I said calmly

"Please P'bright. I just want to see your place so that I will know--"

"I said no! How many times do I have to tell you No?? Why are you so annoying?" I now raised my voice nearly shouting at him which made him shocked. Both of us was suddenly surrounded by silence wherein only our breathing can be heard. I felt guilty because I think I act and said something over the line. But I cant really read his expression, if he was hurt or what. He is just right there stunned and his mouth opened a bit.

"Ok, I will just go" he said breaking the silence surrounding us here in the elevator. His expression seems sad , and now I am feeling bad. Damn if he just quietly obeyed me earlier, this wouldnt happen.

He now took his steps towards me, so I stepped aside to give him way outside the elevator .

"GOTCHHHAAAA!!!!" He suddenly linked his arms with mine and dragged me inside the elevator. With his long arms, he reached the button of the elevator and pressed it, to close the elevator.

"Hey!! What are you doing!?" I protest and struggled to shove his arms away from mine. Nope , he linked it too tight with his arms and put his hands on his pocket. My arms cant get away, this guy is seriously strong .

"What floor P'bright?" He said with a wide smile on his face.

"No ! No floor. I wont tell you. Let me go"

Annoying Mr. IntrovertWhere stories live. Discover now