A Disagreeable Agreement P1

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Under the golden sun, on a patch of earth surrounded by yellow-bells and dandelions, a girl is in severe pain. She clutches her bruised arm and tries to ignore the tears forming at the corners of her eyes.

A man with sandy-blonde hair, angry red eyes, and a sword looms tall and strong over her. He's deadly and he knows how intimately she knows it, how he can kill her right now if he so pleases. The corner of his mouth is pulled back in a sneer, showing off a sharp fang. "That's a good way to die on yer little round ass, Roundface. Givin' up?"

"Th-that's a little too harsh, don't you think?" A green-haired man pipes up beside him. She knows that he's less fierce and infinitely more kind than the blonde, but just as deadly when he needs to be.

"Shut up. No-one asked you, fuckin' nerd," the man says, shoving his underling aside. The way the green-haired boy whimpers makes the girl so irritated, she grits her teeth and stands up again, ignoring the scream of all her muscles and flesh as she does so. She picks up her sword, twirls this once in her hand, and without any further preamble charges towards the blonde man with a shout.

Wood and steel clash against each other. She gives it all she has, making the man in front of her grin in approval. She strikes him over and over until she's breathless and sweaty and shaky. The blonde counters all of this fluidly, not looking harried in any way, which makes her more annoyed. Come on, just a little give is all she needs, then--

"You're full of openings!" The man yells. She knows he's frustrated, but she is doing her best.

When all she has is given and she barely has the strength to keep her grip on the sword strong, she feels the floor underneath her disappear, making her fall with her back to the ground and eyes to the sky...

She stops falling, and instead feels strong hands around her. The scent of jasmine overwhelms her senses, and she finds herself staring straight into beautiful, yet entirely unamused, onyx eyes.

The girl thinks that only a few things in life scare her, and one of them is this look in this particular woman's eyes.

She immediately shrinks and makes a small sound in her throat. The two men fighting her probably do the same before they straighten their postures and give the dark-haired woman a salute. "General Yaoyorozu!"

"Good day, Colonel Bakugou. Sergeant Midoriya. Stand down." General Yaoyorozu Momo of Mie's Elite Knights and head of the Princessguard greets all of them sternly as she pulls the girl to her feet. "I hope you have a proper explanation for... this," she says, as she dusts her off and straightens her posture--shoulders straight, feet together, head held up high.

Colonel Bakugou Katsuki scoffs, while Sergeant Midoriya squeaks. "Er... we were training, that's all, General Yaoyorozu! As scheduled every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday before she has her private lessons with the castle scholar--"

She raises both her eyebrows. "Is that so? Am I supposed to be impressed about your dedication to regularly beat up the crown princess of Mie, Colonel? Sergeant, I did not expect you of all people to forget what day today is."  

Midoriya shuts his mouth and focuses his eyes on the ground. She feels a little guilty--he has spent the better part of training asking her and Bakugou to stop so she can prepare for that day's events, but the other two are notoriously stubborn and refused to stop.

Bakugou's mouth goes tch as usual. "Well excuse me, General Ponytail. Here I was thinkin' that maybe teachin' this round-faced brat survival skills is more valuable than dressing her up like a fuckin' chiffon cake so we can sell her to those stuck-up bitches from Kanagawa."

Yaoyorozu glares sternly at Bakugou. Bakugou, however, fearlessly looks at his general in the eye--only so few people are as stupidly brave as the colonel, after all.

To The End, With Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें