The Tower P3

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They pass two more checkpoints where Ochako has to pretend to be Hawks' 16-year-old daughter. They stop two more times after that, just for the horses to rest for a while and for Hawks to roast wild birds for supper.

Otherwise, the two strange people don't stop the delivery. Miruko does most of the driving. She doesn't sleep, even though Ochako nods off next to her. Her language seems to be naturally brash, but Ochako much prefers speaking with her than Hawks. Even though she refuses to answer the questions related to her kidnapping, she is at least apologetic over it and doesn't patronize her, not even once.

But Ochako, unfortunately, will not be kept in the dark for too long. Just as Hawks had said, they reach their destination after another day of traveling. She realizes this when they exit the main road and turn to a great, walled city.

Before they get close, Miruko tells Ochako to hide in the back of the cart. "I'm sorry, your grace. You do not want anyone to see you in the city."


"Trust me... it might make things worse," Miruko mutters.

That doesn't make Ochako feel better, but she has no choice but to comply. She'd rather not experience Hawks' feather magic again, nor does she want to see what the alleged Rabbit of Death is capable of.

In her spot in the pile of hay, Ochako peeks through the gaps in the wood of the cart. She sees surly guards dressed in blue and red and armed with muskets, with the symbol of Shizuoka etched on the shiny pins on their chests. Hawks comes down and wordlessly shows them something shiny: likely the silver-and-red crest that Ochako sees him wearing in the alley.

"Lord Hawks," the guards say with a synchronized bow of their heads. "Please wait. We'll have a group escort you to the castle."

So he is highborn. A very important one that warrants the full attention of all the guards in the garrison.

"That's kind of you, but we have no need for any gaudy processions," the blonde says with a chuckle. "We know our way to the castle ourselves."

"Of course." The guards nod at each other and open the gates without a word.

The begin moving again as Hawks climbs back at the back of the cart. Ochako eyes him warily, expecting smug and/or smart words from his mouth again, but he remains oddly silent, for once. It makes her even warier.

When he notices her sharp gaze, he allows a smile that almost looks wistful. "Smile, Princess, you're almost home. Might as well take a peek at our grand old city while you can, eh? It should be okay, as long as you remain within the nice and private confines of our luxurious hay cart."

"While I can," she repeats sourly. "You're making it sound like I'll never see the light of day again. That ain't makin' any of this appealing."

He chuckles. "Nothing about kidnapping is appealing, your grace. I could write essay after essay about how unappealing this is, have it published in the papers, go to the public square and have all the philosophers and vagrants debate with me. Unfortunately, my employer does not have the luxury of resorting to appealing things, considering the problem at hand--"

"What is the problem at hand, anyway?"

He smiles, raises two feathery eyebrows, and says nothing more.

Ochako huffs and pointedly does not look around the grand old city, as he suggested.

They spend the rest of the trip in silence, with Ochako burying her face into her folded-up knees and Hawks silently watching her. She feels the cart curve through streets that sound narrow and crowded. Eventually the noise dissipates, and they're riding up a hill for a long while.

Out of nowhere, the cart comes to a halt, and along with it Ochako's heart, just for a bit. Hawks hops off the cart and offers his hand to her, which she refuses to take.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way, Princess." Red flickers from behind his back, making her shiver.

Suddenly it's all too real that she's sent here for something possibly sinister and there isn't anything she can do about it. Miruko stands behind Hawks, a disapproving look in her burning red eyes, but she keeps one hand on her sword all the same, ready to do something to Ochako if she rebelled.

In the end, she relents. She's able to take a good look in her surroundings and sees that they're surrounded by very tall brick walls with no way out. Hawks leads the way as they descend down a flight of stairs into a basement, with winding pathways that split every now and then. Torches light the way, casting her captors' faces in shadows that somehow emphasize the breadth of their power.

The walk feels like it lasts for hours, but eventually at the very end of it they reach a set of ornate doors. Hawks knocks in a set pattern, and falls silent.


Hawks and Miruko open the door, revealing a simple room with ornate tables, chairs, shelves, and a roaring fireplace. It looks very much like a man's personal study, like a slightly smaller version of Ochako's beloved library where she's spent many hours poring over boring old books with Dabi.

(It's only been two days, but it feels like years since then...)

Needless to say, she's surprised seeing this after seeing nothing but empty hallways from hours of walking. More surprising is the giant-of-a-man in rich robes who turns and regards her, with blood-red hair and striking blue eyes that seem too familiar, and the way that her captors suddenly fall to their knees in front of him.

The man's mouth twists in distaste upon seeing Ochako's stance, but comments no further. "At ease." His voice is strong and ruthless, the kind that would compel anyone to fear for their lives.

Hawks and Miruko stand. "My King, your imposing gait and robust health pleases your loyal subjects greatly. I hope this evening finds you well," the blonde man says, voice saccharine and tone overly polite. Oddly enough, his tone sounds more mocking than sincere, and not at all unexpected if the way the man rolls his eyes is any indication.

Ochako doesn't pay this any mind, as amusing as it is. My King, Hawks had said, proving her very first instinct on seeing this man and his seal completely correct. And again the reality of this odd situation sinks in and makes her feel sick.

"Spare me," the King says with a pointed scowl. He stares at Ochako once more, the distaste not going away. "Is this her?"

"Yes, your majesty," Hawks says proudly. "Princess Uraraka Ochako, first of her name, heir to the throne of Mie."

Ochako doesn't know whether to bow in front of the king of the most powerful kingdom in the country, or to glare at him defiantly for stripping her of her freedom. She settles for a stare that could be cold and/or curious and a proper dignified stance, just as Yaomomo had taught her back home.

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