Resolve P1

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Ochako wakes up in a bed she doesn't know, in clothes that aren't hers.

The smell of the bed is all wrong, the softness of the pillows much too plush than what she's used to--which is saying a lot because she is a princess, not unused to luxuries. When she moves her body, a familiar soreness overtakes her limbs and her head begins to spin.

Above her, she sees a stone ceiling, fancy bedposts, shelves filled with a mess of books in the far distance. There's also the burnt things and the ashes floating with the dust upon the bars of sun through the window.

It only confirms that last night isn't a nightmare, and that she's far from home.

She sits up carefully, rubbing her eyes with a hand covered by the overly long sleeve of a borrowed shirt. It feels like she's peering over the edge of the earth when she searches for him across the vast expanse of the bed.

His eyes are closed as he reclines on a chair next to the bed. A human arm is crossed over a scaly black one with long claws. He breathes quietly, unmoving, claws gleaming in sunlight. His monster ear twitches a few times that seemed strangely cat-like.

When one eye opens abruptly, she realizes that she's staring at her reluctant captor for far too long. "Prisoner or not, it's rude to stare, Princess."

She may be rude, but he's one thousand times more... ruder! "Well... pardon me for breathin'!"

"You're excused," Prince Shouto replies blankly, making her grit her teeth in annoyance. "Did you sleep well?"

"Better than I expected on my first night as a hostage, thanks. Your bed's real soft, as expected from a fancy prince."

"You're welcome," he says, unfazed by her sarcasm. "I must ask you to get up from there to dress out of my clothes and into the ones provided for you downstairs. Now, please, before you cause us trouble for appearing like that."

Ochako looks down on the silk shirt covering her and instantly the events of last night catch up with her. Her shirt had been torn into shreds. She's had to trudge in sewer waters underneath two heavy capes to cover herself. There were feathers flying, blood, falling knights. There was her, running breathless back up the tower, facing the Prince, telling him that she's staying as she clutches the capes around her bare shoulders--

--after which the Prince walked stiffly around the room, procured a shirt for her, and told her flatly to cover herself and rest. Not a question, or a thank you, or even the slightest bit of reaction. Not even a single condescending comment about how stupid her plan was. It's annoying.

"Oh, sorry for causing you trouble, highness," she grumbles, unbuttoning the shirt as violently as she can. "I thought you let me borrow this outta the goodness of your heart. Guess I was wrong!"

His eyes open a fraction wider in interest. "That isn't what I meant, Princess."

She ignores him and throws the offending garment on the bed, which earns her a long suffering sigh from him. "Princess, my intention was to allow you to freshen up in your room downstairs so you could wear something more appropriate than my night-shirt. Please cool your head and put that back on until then."

"... appropriate?!" Who the hell does this guy think he is?! "I mean you only made your knights destroy my clothes. So fine, let me give you what you want, stupid Prince!"

His eyes flash menacingly when she says Stupid Prince. Coldly, he says, "It's up to you. I just thought that you don't want anyone getting the wrong idea about last night."

Just as she's about to retort, she finally becomes aware of the footsteps echoing up the tower and the three crisp knocks on the door. A gentle voice new to her ears calls out, "Shouto? It's me. Can I come in?"

A woman? Ochako thinks in panic, body freezing and jaw dropping stupidly as she is suddenly at a loss on what to do.

She hears the Prince huff quietly, stepping towards her and picking up the discarded shirt along the way. Without hesitation, he helps her into the obviously oversized shirt, fingers and claws flying over cloth and brushing over her skin in precise movements. "Give us a minute, onee-san, " he calls out.

A different voice, much louder and achingly familiar to her ears, bellows from outside. " Us?! Is she there with you?! Shouto, what's going on?"

Before he can say another word, the door literally bursts open with a lick of flame, revealing King Enji and a group of women behind him. Ochako recognizes General Miruko, with her rabbit ears twitching tensely at the sight before them. She stands behind a well-dressed, shocked woman with white hair, littered with streaks of blood red, and another woman with light brown hair and a servant's uniform.

The King glowers at the two of them, frowning at where the Prince's hands lingered at the silk over Ochako's collarbone. "So--you've gone so far, after just one night? How indecent, Shouto!"

Ochako instantly feels like sinking to the center of the earth.

Another suppressed sigh escapes from Prince Shouto's mouth. "It's none of your business, your grace. Good morning , by the way. I apologize for the mess--I didn't expect you to grace me with your presence on such an ordinary day as this."

"Shouto," the woman with white hair says gently, cutting off whatever King Enji is supposed to spit out next. "You're right about us barging in on you two. I sincerely apologize, especially to you, Princess Ochako."

"Oh," she squeaks, thrown off by how gracious and kind the white-haired woman is. "No, I definitely don't look appropriate, so..."

Unfortunately, the irony doesn't escape her. She could practically feel the Prince's yellow monster eye glaring at her judgmentally.

"Of course not. I know you've had a rough night." She steps in the room and takes one of Ochako's hands--her touch is cold, but comforting. "My name is Fuyumi. I'm Shouto's older sister. Thank you for helping my little brother. I know the decision isn't easy."

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