A Disagreeable Agreement P3

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"Sir Tetsutetsu, stand down," the redhead reprimands with even more exasperation. She turns to Yaoyorozu, appearing apologetic. "However, General Yaoyorozu, I do agree with Lady Tokage's sentiments. I think it's in poor taste to hover over them like overprotective chaperones. We shall stand guard from a distance as well, my Prince."

"Thank you, Lady Kendo," Monoma says, bemused at the exchanges that took place.

"You are welcome. And do try to control yourself," she says, almost like a threat. Turning to Ochako's Princessguard, she offers another polite smile. "Perhaps tell us about your kingdom, while we wait for them?"

Midoriya nods enthusiastically at that. "Of course! And in return, please answer my questions about yours!"

The chatter between the knights fade along the hallways, and soon Princess Ochako finds herself alone with Prince Monoma Neito.

"Finally. I thought your minions would never leave," he says with a huff. "That blonde one--Colonel Bakugou, was it? He seems to have the temperament of a rabid dog, don't you think? I commend you for how you can stand having him around you all the time."

Her mouth instantly twists at that. "That man you call a rabid dog is a knight, my prince. A proper lord, and a close confidante of mine."

Monoma hums. "Well, the company you keep is certainly interesting, Princess. Your subjects as well, and the rest of your kingdom. Quaint, with many... colorful characters."

"I'm glad we amuse you so, my Prince," she says with thinly veiled sarcasm.

He laughs at that. "Correct. You especially, Princess Ochako, amuse me greatly. Your beauty, your charm, your obvious spite towards me."

She gives him a surprised look, morphs it into a glare when he laughs at her reaction.

Her mouth opens to protest, but he cuts her off. "You've done a stellar job of being civilized, which is more than what I can say about some of your military men... but it's obvious that you have not been enjoying yourself, or my company. Not that I mind. I'm relieved that I can be myself around you so early in our relationship."

She looks at him levelly, trying not to let the growing irritation show. "I see. So, you brought me out here to call me out for being displeased about our... collaboration, my Prince? Or to see how many vague insults you can sling at me before I react in an unladylike manner?"

"Not at all. I had an honest attempt to charm you, but you would call me conniving if I did that. At this point I doubt that such obvious measures would work on a woman like you."

She narrows her eyes. "Should I say thank you? Beg your pardon, but this doesn't sound like a good start to our partnership."

"I suppose not. But I am promised your hand, and I will get it no matter how you feel about me." He chuckles derisively. "I just want to make sure that you won't do something silly like running away or eloping with some lowborn scoundrel."

She'd chop off her hand if it would keep him away from her, but she doesn't say it out loud. She gives him a good and proper scowl instead. "Not even pretendin' this time, your majesty? I dunno why you'd pick such a poor princess from a poor kingdom to marry ya."

"Is that all?" Monoma chuckles at the blatant disregard of her accent. His hands go out dramatically as if he's been waiting to explain himself from the start. "As you know, princess, kingdoms have all sorts of rules. Many of them silly, but passed off as necessary. In my case, it is that I cannot inherit the throne unless I am married. And as you can imagine, an ambitious fellow like me wants that throne quite badly. A place in your throne is a pleasant added bonus. And in your case..."

He gestures to the space around them with a flourish, "It seems you cannot keep this place unless you wed someone like me."

Ochako grits her teeth. "I can rule Mie without a king. I am within my rights," she says, even though she knows it's a silly argument; it's no secret that the coffers are empty and the people are suffering because of the high crime, and she might not have a kingdom to rule when she comes of age.

He laughs mockingly. "How daft. While I'd love to see you try, I am working against the clock here. And I am trying my best to get you to cooperate with me, Princess, so kindly hear me out."

She tilts her head and crosses her arms, wordlessly allowing him to speak again.

"I prefer you over the other princesses, Ochako. Your kind father doesn't ask for much, just assistance that my kingdom can give without much trouble. It's not as simple in the other kingdoms, you see." There's a restless twitch in his fingers, and she knows that he's irritated. "They want me to prove myself. They want my gold, my territories, my military. It's ridiculous how the others want to intrude on King Todoroki Enji's land, and how they're willing to squander my resources for it."

His laughter is bitter and manic at the same time, his charming facade all gone. Ochako watches on with growing discomfort.

"Interesting, isn't it? Shizuoka is such a blessed country, with its technological marvels and magic. Not like us, small and insignificant. Doesn't it irritate you, Princess? Doesn't it make you want to sneak up on them and blow them all away?"

She doesn't know the correct answer to the crazed, measured look in his eyes. "No. The Todorokis haven't done anything bad to us."

Monoma sighs. "You are more naive than I thought, Princess. Where do you think those drugs on the streets outside of your castle come from?"

She narrows her eyes. "Those are criminals. That's different--"

"Like I said, naive." He sighs dramatically again and shakes his head. The condescension is dripping, making Ochako grind her teeth loudly. "You have much to learn. Hopefully after our engagement, I can get you to open your eyes and understand my ambitions. If not as a proper lover, perhaps as an accomplice? I am willing to make you less ignorant about the world."

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