The Escape P1

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The Princess does not wish to see anyone," the servant girl tells them flatly behind a crack in the door.

"What the fuck do you mean that brat doesn't want to see anyone?!" Colonel Bakugou's scream echoes all over the hallway and perhaps the rest of the castle. Years of hearing this and Sergeant Midoriya still flinches from it. As for her, Momo likes to think that her ears have developed a tolerance for it. Or perhaps it's her hearing going as well...

The servant girl's eyebrows merely twitch in disdain despite the auditory assault. "It is as I said, Sir Bakugou. She does not wish to see anyone. She is sick ."

"Since fuckin' when?! She had perfect use of her legs when I tossed her ass in the dirt yesterday during training--"

"Kacchan, I know you're just worried for the princess, but I don't think saying that will help--" Sergeant Midoriya stammers.

"Shut up, nerd! These fuckin' bitches think they can boss us around and get away with it--" Colonel Bakugou looks like he's on the verge of shoving the shorter soldier and the maid, just to get through the door. By this time, Momo's patience has also run dangerously low, and she manages to hold her hand out to stop him.

Ignoring his angered sputter, Momo looks at the maid in the eye, a refined smile on her mouth. "I beg your forgiveness, ladies, but whether the Princess is infirm or not, we have a responsibility to be in her vicinity at all times. We are her personal guard, after all."

The maid scowls. "But the Princess mustn't be allowed to--"

"It is not for you to decide," Momo cuts in sharply. "Now. Are you going to allow us inside, or will we have to force our way in?"

The woman begins to shake, eyes darting to the sword on her hip, but the scowl on her face is resolute. Momo is surprised at the maid's perseverance, but she softens when a weak voice speaks from behind her. "It's all right. Please let my knights in."

The maid bows without further question and makes way. Momo walks in, followed by Bakugou who looks ready to punch a lady in the face and Midoriya, who rightfully holds him back.

Now, Momo has heard from the attendants in the castle that the Princess was nowhere to be found in bed before sunrise with her bed rumpled and the windows to her room wide open. But shortly after that, they found her in the toilets out in the hall, throwing up her dinner from the previous night, bile, and empty air. She seemed so delirious that she couldn't speak straight, nor could she explain why she wandered so far away from her own washroom. They put her back in bed, had the doctors see her, and ordered her not to move. She isn't allowed visitors, they said, so she wouldn't tire herself out.

Seeing her on bed, Momo suddenly understands why. She looked small, much smaller than just the day before. Her usually vibrant pink cheeks are paler and takes on a worriesome greyish hue. Her brown hair is a mess over her pillows. Weak brown eyes, without their usual shimmer, struggle to open to look at her Princessguard with as much politeness as her condition allows.

She tries to smile. "Good morning," she says weakly.

"Oh, Princess," Momo says in worry. She kneels at her bedside and grasps her hand--cold and thin, since when did it feel like this? "What happened? Oh dear, I'm so sorry this happened under my watch, this is unforgivable--"

"No, it can't be helped," she says with a weak smile. "The doctors say that I might have just eaten something bad and that they'll do more observations, but we shouldn't be worried about it being contagious... so it's perfectly all right to see you, Lady Yaoyorozu."

Something cold pricks Momo's insides at that statement. "Oh... is that right, your highness? That gives me some relief."

"Yes, doesn't it?" She tries another smile, a brighter one this time as she looks at her other guards. "I'm sorry that they spoke to you like that. I'll tell them to let you in without any arguments next time."

A quick look at her subordinates tells Momo that they must have noticed the same thing. At the same time, the maids are looking at them with eagle-eyed suspicion. The general keeps her tone carefully neutral. "That would be ideal, your Highness. We will need to be extra vigilant now that you're sick. Perhaps one of us should remain in your room at all times? If that is alright with you."

The girl on the bed smiles. Her eyes glimmer in a more energetic way that somehow disconcerts her. "Thank you, Momo! That would be the best."

Face impassive, Momo stands and faces the rest of the Princessguard. "One of us will stay fully armed at her bedside in eight hour shifts. Keep her in your line of vision even when the doctors examine her. Am I understood?"

"Yes, General." Midoriya says, straightening up. Bakugou grunts in affirmation.

Momo narrows her eyes at her subordinates. No, nothing is amiss. She glances at the shorter man. "Sergeant Midoriya, kindly take the first shift in accompanying her... highness. "

As Midoriya gives a salute with a nervous glisten of his eyes, the sickly Princess giggles. "Oh! It'll be Sir Deku first! I'm so glad!"

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