7~ Hearts Out on Our Sleeves

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The roars of the crowd pulsed in your veins, as you pulled back and looked into the boy's eyes in front of you. With heavy breaths you both sat bent over one another, Conan's soft fingers still loosely tangled in your hair. You were exhausted. It felt as though you had run a marathon in the matter of a few mere minutes. Its the soft, but quiet voice out of the many that pulled you out of the trance you were in. 

"Are you okay?" Conan spoke quietly, only to you.

"Am I okay? I-" your sentence fell short, as you giggled breathlessly. "I don't even know".

"Heh, me-me too. Yeah, yeah I don't know. This is just insane!"

"Yeehaw, am I right"

"I- you didn't just-"

"I did, do I regret it, yes"

You both laugh again, his high pitched squeals in your ear and his chest rising against yours, causing you to realize how close you were. A few things became so extremely real in this moment. You are sitting in the arms of your Idol, who's practically a stranger to you (though you know him quite well), in front of hundreds of people. Hell, videos of this would probably be all over the internet in just a few hours. What would your family say? Your friends? Chris? You began to get a little nervous, remembering yourself, and your apparent social anxiety. This was beyond fathomable to you. Regular (Y/N) would never have the courage to do this on her own. He seemed to notice your shift in emotion, and removed his hands from your hair to hold your own hands. 

You begin shivering slightly, and you duck your head into the crook of his neck. Even this slight action made you nervous, face blotted with redness.

"Conan" your voice wavered.

"Yes, love?"

"I'm scared, theres so many people".

Conan proceeded to talk you through the anxiety, petting your head as it lay on his shoulder. He asked who you'd come to the show with, and assured you he would send for her to arrive backstage. With kind hands, the singer gently lifts you to stand with him, and walks you off stage, right after assuring the audience it will just be a moment. The both of you were still tired, but having the relief of connection, you were starting to regain your strength. Unfortunately, there was no time for relaxation for Conan, as he still had the obligation to perform. The smiley boy guided you to the crew, and to sit beside his tour manager, Charlie, for whom he has a lot of trust. 

"I'll be right back, for now you can watch from back here. Everything will be alright, okay?"

"Okay" You smiled, your eyes teary.

He sends you a smile back, gave your hand one last squeeze, and jumped back out towards the stage, gaining his energy back with each step. 

You sat, body jerking every so often from the after shocks of the experience. You kept your head down, and you played with your fingernails inside of your striped sleeves. 

"(Y/n), was it?" A deep set male voice inquired carefully from beside you.

"Um, yes, thats me", you said as you lifted you head to look at the man that sat beside you.

"I'm Charlie, Conan's manager. Nice to meet you dear".

Charlie had kind, deep brown eyes, and short curly hair that framed his face well. His deep skin was warm and glowing under the stage lights. Dressed professionally and well put together, he carried a mature aspect about him, but you could see that he clearly had a soft spot for Conan and anything that concerned him. 

"Nice to meet you too", you smiled genuinely.

"How are you feeling, I know this all must seem like a lot"

"Yeah, it's ... something," you sigh, "this is all just happening so fast".

"Well, if it's any conciliation, I've known Conan for a couple of years now. I know this all may seem scary, and sudden, but he's a really great guy. He's very understanding, and maybe a little stubborn," He chuckles," but whatever comes out of this, I promise it'll go the best as it possibly can. For right now, any friend of Conan's, is my friend. I'll be here for you if you need anything this evening, just say the word". 

"Thank you Charlie"

"Any time dear"

"(Y/N)!!" You jerked out of the moment to focus on the new voice.

(Y/b/f) ran to you, a security guard following behind her at a regular pace. She reached you and rested her hands on you shoulders to steady herself.

"Oh. My. GOSH," She beamed, "tell me EVERYTHING". 


In Living Color; a scientific guide to soulmates and how our bodies react to them
by Dr. Mary Z. Hausen

Chapter 7: "After Math"

The energy of the pair should quickly, but gradually return to normalcy. The time this takes will vary from person to person, based upon the initial health of the individual. This can and will affect every aspect of an individuals health, so those with an already weak immune system, damaged systems, or any form of mental health issue, such as anxiety, depression, etc., will experience a longer recovery period. This is determined by the study done of the heightened bodies of new, fresh soulmates. The bodies are at peak performance, pleasure, and adrenaline upon first contact, and all of the body's systems will be heightened as well. While the bad qualities of someone (sometimes) may be temporarily enhanced, it is only a result of the shock. The connection of two identical bodies has extreme health benefits that will  eventually, over time, act as a remedy to the opposite traits of each individual. 

A/N: Hey guys! I know it's been a while since I have posted, but thank you all so so much for your kind words, good wishes, and appreciation for this story! I have a good direction for this story, and thank you once again for all your appreciation. 

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