chapter 25

426 17 0

Y/n's pov

Lauren 🤗
Hii wyd

To Lauren 🤗
Hi Just watching Netflix

Lauren 🤗
Wanna hangout?

To Lauren 🤗
Sure where?


I don't want to go out can we hangout at my apartment? Only if that's ok with you?

To Lauren 🤗
Yah sure I'll be there just send the address

Lauren 🤗
"Random address"

I immediately started getting ready

Y/n's outfit

After checking myself last time at the mirror near my front i went out grabbing my car keys Lauren's apartment is 40 mins away from my apartment

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After checking myself last time at the mirror near my front i went out grabbing my car keys Lauren's apartment is 40 mins away from my apartment

Skip the ride

"Hi" Lauren said as soon as she opened the door flashing me a her famous Charming smile "Hi"  i said softly smiling back at her she gestured me with a hand to come in .

"Woah" I said as soon as i entered her apartment "You live here alone"  i asked her she shook her head "i live here with my three bandmates"  She replied i nodded.

"So what we gonna do?" I asked her while sitting on her couch she straightend herself and faced me "let's get to know eachother?" I chuckled and nodded.

"So what you like to do when you're free" i asked "I know it's boring questions but still let's atleast start from it" She chuckled and nodded

Time skip

Author's pov

Y/n and Lauren are now watching a movie on Netflix Y/n was so into the movie that she didn't notice Lauren staring at her since the movie started finally she felt it and turned her head and saw Lauren was staring at her Lauren immediately turned her eyes back to the tv her cheeks for already heating up Y/n was still staring at her.

So she immediately turned off the tv and faced Lauren " Is there something on my face Lauren because u keep staring?" Y/n asked in deep voice Lauren gulped and immediately looked away.

"I was not staring at you i was just watching the movie" Lauren tried to cover it up Which made Y/n smile "Sure you were" Y/n said while giving her a look that says "I know you're lying" She smiled and stood up .

"Hi where are you going it's still early"  Lauren said while pouting which made Y/n laughed softly she cupped Lauren's chin Y/n was a little bit taller then lauren so she was basically towering her

"I have to go i have some errands to do tomorrow morning so yeah i have go sleep early in order to wake up early" Y/n said and took her hand away from Lauren chin ready to go out but Lauren grabbed her writs and pulled her into her..

"Woah Wh- Y/n was cut off by Lauren lips she was shocked for seconds her hands were on Lauren's waist and Lauren's hands were locked on Y/n's neck bringing her closer after sometime Y/n started kissing back they pulled apart when air became the issue.

Y/n immediately step back feeling shocked "I have to go" Y/n said and ran away

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