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WALKING into the mess hall alone was already nerve racking enough, the heads that continuously glanced at her and whispered to each other only added to her unease. Back at home Sidney was able to talk to strangers easily and become friends. But when you try to talk to new people when you already know you're unwanted, there's a daunting blanket that smothers your confidence.

Keeping her face unreadable and staring forward, she stood in line to get a bowl of unrecognizable soup, bread, and a cup of water.

Half of the men had put their focus on eating and making fun of each other at that point, but a good number still stared at her. She decided the best bet for that night was to sit alone, she made her way to a an empty table at the end of the row.

"That top looks a little big. Come here and take it off, I can fix it for ya'."

"Heard you already nailed Sink. When's my turn? Army whore."

Sidney rolled her eyes so hard she almost got a migraine. She walked on as usual, not even bothering to see who said it. You could start to see the annoyance in her face, but she wasn't going to snap. Yet.

After plopping down and sipping some of her soup and biting the plain bread, two men stood in front of her.

"Mind if we sit?" Winters asked. Nixon was to his left, looking fairly uninterested. He was probably just dragged along.

"Please," she said the best she could with a mouthful of soup, gesturing towards the seats across from her.

There was a pause of silence, no one really knew what to say. A whole table of guys stared at her, she stared back with a raised eyebrow. They started talking to each other before they bursted out laughing and looked at her.

"Ya know it's funny," Sidney paused looking at the men in front of her, her face scrunching up in mock confusion, "I graduated from high school a year ago and I still feel like I'm there."

Winters smiled and shook his head in amusement while Nixon laughed.

She left soon after that, she didn't particularly enjoy the atmosphere. With no where else to go, she went to the PX station. That adventure lasted all of five minutes. She bought two packs of Lucky Strikes and hurried out as everyone watched her in silence the whole time she was in there.

The men were talking about heading off the base to some bars, but Sidney obviously wasn't asked and if asked she would've declined. In her mind, there was no point in going to a bar to get hit on and/or ignored.

𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄, band of brothersWhere stories live. Discover now