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THE newspapers had finally calmed down with the topic of Sidney, shifting to writing reports on what was happening in the war. Sidney overheard Nixon saying he heard rumors about women joining other branches of the military. If there was any truth to that, they were doing a better job of hiding it than they did with her. They learned from that mistake.

Sidney figured Nixon would gossip to her if it turned out to be true. As she sat in the mess hall with Guarnere pestering her to go to the bar in town with the guys from Easy, she wished she chose to gossip with Nixon.

The whole company finally had a weekend pass. Sobel had brought out the pig guts three times that week, forcing everyone to wear soiled ODs a couple days in a row. The company happened to walk past Sink's office on one of those days, smelling like rotting meat. Sink stuck his head out of his door, took one look at them, and the next day Sobel reluctantly informed the company that their weekend passes had been reinstated. It was the first weekend pass many of them had gotten, including Sidney.

Guarnere was turned towards her, arms waving around when he spoke. "For fucks sake, Sid. You wanna spend your Saturday sitting inside all by yourself?"

Sidney turned her head to him and raised her eyebrows. "Sounds good to me." She smiled and took a drink of her water.

Guarnere rolled his eyes. "You need a break from all this." he gestured around with his hands. "Trust Ol' Bill, it'll be a great time."

It was Sidney's turn to roll her eyes. "Well, I can't drink yet and I don't wanna babysit a bunch of drunk men all night."

"Don't worry about that. We'll take care of the booze for ya," Bill offered, giving her a subtle wink.

Before she could answer, Toye stepped into the conversation. "Fuck Guarno, she's probably never drank before."

Sidney scoffed and leaned on the table with her elbows. "Please. I'm French. I just don't wanna drink around men who haven't seen real women in months."

The most Sidney had ever drank before was a glass of wine twice a year on the holidays. She didn't know why she lied to them. Maybe she didn't like the fatherly tone in Toye's voice, or the thought of seeming innocent in front of the men terrified her.

"Stick with us and I guarantee no one will mess with you." Skip smirked and shared a chuckle with Penkala.

Sidney sighed and shook her head. Her answer was starting to change at the guys' pleads. The thought that they really wanted her to go made her stomach warm.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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