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IF Sidney had to pick her least favorite thing about training, it would have to be the wake up calls. Back at home, she was a morning person, getting up at a time that she pleased. When you have an awake and alert Dick Winters yelling at you at 5 or 6 a.m., it wasn't very pleasing.

Sidney looked the same every morning: a mass of messy curls around her head, bags underneath her heavy eyes, pouty lips, and a string of curses escaping her mouth. She had stopped caring what the boys thought of her unladylike appearance long ago. She was pretty sure some of them forgot she was a lady sometimes.

Every man mirrored her sluggish movements as they made their way outside to get breakfast. She grabbed some runny oatmeal, walking over to a table full of Easy men and sitting next to Skip and Guarnere. Predictably, Luz soon sat across from her with Malarkey, Hoobler, and Perconte. That was their regular spots it seemed like. Sidney would usually spend some breakfasts with Winters and Nixon, but she was still pissed that he snooped through her file, which meant he knew about everything.

Nixon could definitely tell that she was mad, but he didn't know that she knew about his snooping.

"Any bets on what Sobel has for us today?" Malarkey asked with a mix of amusement and annoyance.

Sidney snorted. Who the fuck knows anymore?

"10 bucks says we get our weekend passes taken away," Penkala spoke up from beside Skip.

Skip scoffed. "No one's gonna bet against you on that one."

They laughed tiredly, everyone still with a level of grogginess. It was quiet for maybe a second before Luz started impersonating Sobel. It was a frequent joke during meals since Sobel was never there. Sidney was pretty sure that he slept in.

"Private Penkala, is that dirt on your boots? Paratroopers should keep their boots spotless! You are an embarrassment to my company! Pass revoked!" Luz impersonated Sobel, making everyone laugh loudly as they all got their own "infractions".

"Private Girard, how do you expect to dirty those girly hands in battle? There is no room for beautiful hands in my company! Pass revoked!" He comically gestured to her hands while he was talking.

She slapped his hand away when he reached for her hands. She tucked her hands underneath her thighs to avoid attention to them. "Shut up, he wouldn't say that!" She argued.

"He just did!" Luz argued back, still impersonating Sobel's voice.

Lipton walked by and gave him a warning look. George put his hands up in a mock surrender and cut the act.

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