Chapter 4

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Izuku POV

The conversation was easy and light for the remainder of the morning. Kachaan told me about his life now, and what things had changed since we last saw each other. At only 24 years old, Kachaan owns a very successful restaurant that has a few chains around different states. That explains the house, and the nice car...

He speaks softly, clearly passionate about what he does. It's nice to know that he held onto his passionate personality. It was one of the things I admired most about him back then, it's just as endearing now. He asked me questions about my life, and he listened intently as I spoke. He seemed to hang on to every word, nodding along to show he was listening. I told him about the small music store I worked in. It was nothing special, just a small family owned shop that sold used or new instruments, along with some vinyl records, and other basic things you would find in any music store.

Music always spoke to me in a way that nothing else ever did. When my hands melted into the keys of a piano, or plucked at the string of a guitar all of my problems melted away. The only thing that mattered when I played music was the soft song lingering in the air. I loved how music made people feel something. Something that mattered.

It was easy to get lost in the fast, never ending movement of life. So, I liked the way music gave an outlet for so many people. I didn't realize I was mumbling all of this out loud, but when Kachaan let out a soft chuckle, I snapped my mouth shut. The heat rose to my cheeks as I tucked my face into my arms with a groan. "Still mumbling, huh Deku?" Kachaan smirked.

I nodded, shyly. It was one habit I really couldn't break.

He laughed again, before looking down at his watch. "Shit, um... I'm late. Can I drive you home? I have some meetings to attend to today.." I tried to hide my disappointment, but I knew this would have to end sooner or later. Reality continues, no matter the will or wish.

He must have noticed my sudden change in mood before he added, "But, I'll see you Friday night when I pick you up for dinner."

I choked on air, spluttering out an agreement. Gosh, if I didn't stop blushing soon I think my skin would never return to its natural color. He smiled before reaching a hand out to me. "Cmon, let's get going."

We walked out to his car, and seeing it in the daylight made me realize how nice it truly was. It was a shiny black ferrari, with a blacked out interior. I don't know much about cars... But I could tell this was very expensive. I don't even feel worthy of riding in it.

Izuku POV

The conversation was easy and light for the remainder of the morning. Kachaan told me about his life now, and what things had changed since we last saw each other. At only 24 years old, Kachaan owns a very successful restaurant that has a few chains around different states. That explains the house, and the nice car...

He speaks softly, clearly passionate about what he does. It's nice to know that he held onto his passionate personality. It was one of the things I admired most about him back then, it's just as endearing now. He asked me questions about my life, and he listened intently as I spoke. He seemed to hang on to every word, nodding along to show he was listening. I told him about the small music store I worked in. It was nothing special, just a small family owned shop that sold used or new instruments, along with some vinyl records, and other basic things you would find in any music store.

Music always spoke to me in a way that nothing else ever did. When my hands melted into the keys of a piano, or plucked at the string of a guitar all of my problems melted away. The only thing that mattered when I played music was the soft song lingering in the air. I loved how music made people feel something. Something that mattered.

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