chapter 10

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Izuku Pov

I woke the way anyone else does, really. Eyelashes fluttering, trying to adjust to the light of morning peaking through the curtain covered window. It snuck through the drapes, settling on anything it could touch, creating a soft morning glow all around. Everything the light touches, basking it a soft yellow glow. Mornings would be a yellow type color, I thought to myself.

The thing that was abnormal about how I woke, was the weight of something slung across my waist. The sound of small, easy breaths invaded ears. The mix of the warmth and the feeling of small puffs hitting the back of my neck made me realize quickly that I wasn't alone.

My eyes flickered down to the arm resting lazily across my hips. I recognized the tan skin immediately, and sank back into the touch. Kachaan. My heart fluttered as his heat enveloped me, his nose pressing gently to the back of my neck.

I heard him hum behind me, a sign of him beginning to wake. I craned my neck a bit to get a better view of him, smiling softly at his sleeping expression. He seemed like something that couldn't possibly be human. His eyebrows pulled together slightly, to show his mind starting to come to from his sleepy state. The sharp edges of his jaw and cheek bones, contrasted by a cute small, dainty nose. Sinfully plump pink lips, slightly ajar as his soft breaths continued to push through the air.

A deep, scarlett eye peaked open gently, taking in my adoring gaze. He let out a chuckle, and I tried to contain my swoon as I felt it vibrate against my back.

"Mornin, Deku. You done staring?" he asked, voice raspy and coated in sleep. The sound of his voice was enough to make me feel weak, and I was thankful to be laying in bed. I couldn't help but be confused on how we ended up here though, not that I was complaining by any means.

He must have noticed my confusion because suddenly his face was laced in worry. It made my heart sink, tightening my chest and pausing the flow of air into my lungs. I didn't want to be the cause of his worry. I closed my eyes as he turned me to face him, gentle fingers stroking my cheeks. I tried to recall the events of last night.

"Take your time, zuku.." he mumbled gently. I concentrated on the feeling of his fingers tracing over the freckles on my cheeks, making patterns between them as if he was forming his own constellations along my skin.

It came back to me all at once, flashes of what I saw made me gasp. Mouth ajar, trying desperately to pull air into my chest, lungs crying at the loss of oxygen. Deep tremors forced their way from my bones, shaking my entire being. I could feel the fear and despair coming from me in waves, and I wanted it to stop. I wanted everything to stop.

I felt hands rush soothingly up and down my arms, trying to ground me. I couldn't stop the feeling that I was sinking, I was going under and as much as I didn't want to, I couldn't make it stop. It felt like waves were crashing against me, forcing me under a dark and unforgiving sea.

My ears were Burning, filled with a ringing that made me push my hands flat against them. The ringing didn't stop though, which sent me into further panic. There's no way out. Trapped. I'm stuck. I can't breathe , and I'm drowning and I can't- I can't...

Suddenly, hands were ripping my own away from my ears and my body was pulled up into a sitting position. I felt a hand go to my back, holding me up, while another flew to raise my chin up. My eyes flew open, scared of the touch, who's touching me?

I blinked when I saw red. Deep, beautiful red. It calmed me slightly, enough that I could hear the ringing begin to fade and a quiet, yet firm voice spoke out into the open air.

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