chapter 6

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Katsuki Pov

I glared at the shitty haired mess in front of me, fucking annoying ass. I swear his only joy in life is pissing me off, nothing makes him happier. Asshat.

"C'mooooon, BakuBro! I can tell something's up. You smiled when you came in! You're not sick are you?" Shitty hair thrust his hands to my forehead, feeling for a fever. If looks could kill, he would've dropped dead ten times over by now.

"Get your nasty fucking hands off of me, you Goddamn NUISANCE! No, I'm not sick. Why the fuck would you even- ugh. Fine, Sit down." I rolled my eyes at his hopefully expression. As much as he pissed me off, He was my best friend. Although, I would never admit it to the stupid fucker, he mattered a lot to me.

I told him everything that happened last night with Deku, the plans that we made for later this week, and I told him how I was honestly feeling. It felt good to release honest emotions without hiding behind my typical "tough guy act." That's what Kirishima and Raccoon eyes call it. Stupid fucks.

Shitty hair knew about my complicated history with Deku, the truth has a way of coming out around Kirishima. Asshole. He knew how everything that happened in the past tormented me, and made me resent myself.

He knew that I never lost my feelings for Deku, no matter how hard I tried to push them aside and pretend that they never existed in the first place. I was 24 now, successful. I had money, I had a nice house, a fucking awesome car... People threw themselves at me all the time. But I could never bring myself to have anything serious with anyone.

As much as i'd love to pretend it had nothing to do with fucking Izuku, it had everything to do with him. I had never felt anything even remotely close to how he made me feel. He made me feel strong, like I could do anything. Like I would do anything for him.

He lit a fire in me all those years ago, and it just never went out. It's burned brightly, angrily in my chest... and when something would remind me of him, like the color of green leaves after a rainstorm, Or a soft, shitty song that would play on the radio that I knew he'd like... It felt like I was choking on embers, ashes filled my lungs, and I couldn't breathe .

For a while, I was angry with him. I was angry that he lit this fire in me, and didn't bother to put it out. He did this to me, and even though he didn't know it, He left me completely different from the way he found me. He changed me, in a good way. I wanted to be better, and so I built this life. I built it for myself, of course. But I wanted to make sure that if Deku and I ever found our way back to each other one day, I could give him the life he deserved.

"This is great news, Bakugo!! I can't wait to finally meet the guy that has kept your heart hostage all of these years. I mean, jeez I can't wait to hear how you were in highsch-"

"Oh, absolutely the fuck NOT, shitty hair! I'm not letting you scare him off. I'm taking my time with this. Don't fucking medle!" I glared at him in warning. He knew better than to push this subject too far. Always a little sensitive about izuku. Or a lot of bit... what the hell ever.

"Fine, Fine" he sighed, but I could tell by his tone that he wasn't going to give up on this conversation. I would let them meet, just not yet.

I finished my final meeting of the day, gathering my things and heading back to the car. Kirishima climbed into the passenger seat, groaning as he sank down into the leather. "Fuuuuuck, i'm so glad that's over! I don't think I could talk about produce, or importing sauces, or any other restaurant related thing, for one more minute! I'm drained. Why did I agree to work with you again?"

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