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»»» "HOW high do you reckon I can throw this and catch it in my mouth?"

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»»» "HOW high do you reckon I can throw this and catch it in my mouth?"

Lavender batted a cool eye at her companion, who was holding a packet of Bertie Beans. The bean in particular had an odd pale orange twinge to it's complexion and definitely not one that she would try herself.

"Go on, give me your best estimate," said Fred. After spending some time flicking through books, they had quickly given up and settled for other means of entertainment. Which of course led to Fred coming up with random challenges for himself, each one more ridiculous than the previous, but none failing to make his companion smile. And that was all that mattered to him.

"You assume that the two are interlinked." Lavender leant forward and pressed her fingers together as she held his gaze. "How high? You're a Beater. I would bet you could get it decently high. And catch it in your mouth?" Lavender paused, her insides squirming when his lips quipped at her statement. "No chance ghost boy."

He raised an eyebrow.

"And what would you wager on that?" He pushed aside his books and rested his chin against his upright arm.

Lavender pressed her lips together. By now she knew the glint in his eye meant trouble. Yet there was something so subtly irresistible about it. So much so, she didn't even realise how big of a trap she had been walking in until it was far too late. 

But, she thought to herself, it's just harmless flirting and we are both of Age.

"Depends on what you have to offer," she replied, mimicking his actions.

Fred pursed his lips as if deep in thought, only to snap his fingers a moment later with a grin that could only spell trouble.

"In the infinitesimally tiny possibility that I lose, I'll say yes to whatever you make me do," Fred said, regarding her levelly.

"Whatever?" Lavender asked, a number of possibilities running through her mind. There were multiple ways she could leverage this benefit, starting from demanding food service every half hour to foot massages after a long walk.

"Whatever insanity you come up with in your head, I'll do it," Fred confirmed. Before she could say anything else, he held up a finger.

"But if I win, you have to close your eyes and remain still for ten seconds, no matter what," he said, his voice dropping to a low whisper. Lavender's eye twitched at the suggestion, but aside from that there were no indications of her reaction.

A list was already forming of the many things that she could be forced to do, or could happen to her, each scenario far more terrifying than the previous. A satisfied smirk was plastered on Fred's face and one that she didn't like the look of at all. It sent her stomach into turmoil. Yet, she had to give it to him, he had asked for the one thing she found hardest to give up - control.

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