Kat's Party- Chapter Two

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As I sprayed on some perfume I got a text on my phone from Annie.

Annie: I'm out the front

I quickly slipped on my shoes and headed out the door, closing it gently in attempt to not wake up my dad who was still asleep.

We met Kat at the clothing store, or shall I say extremely over priced clothing store downtown.

Kat was the type of girl everyone was friends with, Annie explained to me in the car.

Kat was having a party this weekend because she was leaving town and wanted to have one last good time with everyone.

This meant she needed a new outfit to make a statement, hence why we were going shopping.

In fact before Kat even met me she told Annie to tell me I was invited.

Another good opportunity to make some friends.

'Hey guys.' Kat called out as we approached the shop she was standing in front of. 'I love your jacket.' She added to me.

'Thanks, it's super old though.'

'See, Annie. We all need a new cute outfit,' She told her as we made our way inside.

The store reminded me of one that belonged on Melrose, like I said super expensive, but super sexy clothes.

By the end of the day and after trying on heaps of clothes we all walked out with something to wear to the party this weekend.

I got home exhausted, who knew shopping could be so draining.
'Where were you today?' Dad asked as soon as I got in the door, arms folded over his chest.

'Shopping.' I told him, waving my bag of clothes infront of his face.

He raised his bushy brow. 'All day?'

'Yes dad it's tough business being a girl you know.'

'Clearly.' He chuckled and handed me one of the two peanut butter sandwiches in his hand.

'Actually dad there's a party on this weekend, so if I come home late don't worry.' I said as I headed upstairs into my bedroom.

If I announce a party to him and linger for too long he will ask too many questions. So if I walk off while doing so he doesn't get to.

Before I knew it it was the night of the party. I put on my new black dress that I paired with black boots and a denim jacket.

Annie was only a few minutes away from my house to pick me up, so I quickly took two shots of vodka to make time.

By the time she actually got to my house I felt a little tipsy already.
Once we got to the party Annie and I went our separate ways as Kat dragged me off with her.

'Hannah, this is the other new girl I was telling you about.' Kat said tapping a girl on the shoulder.

She turned around and smiled at me revealing a long light brown haired girl, with pretty light eyes, wearing a cute floral dress.

'Oh hey, you must be Clair.' She said in a warm friendly voice.
I giggled. 'Yeah that's me.'

'He came!' Kat exclaimed pointing at a scrawny dark haired boy. 'Clay's here!'

'I win, You owe me five dollars.' Hannah told Kat laughing.
'Oh, my God.'

'You bet on me?' Clay piped up looking very awkward, I was assuming the party scene, well, wasn't exactly his scene.

Especially since he was wearing a button up shirt... to a party.

'Against you.' Kat corrected. 'Last party I saw Clay at mm, my birthday, fourth grade.'

'I still remember that clown.'

'Oh, my God. He was a heroin addict. My mother the social worker hired a recovering heroin addict. He had the shakes.'

'Wow.' I chuckled. 'I think that calls for some drinks.'

Kat nodded in  agreement and we all followed her out of the living room to the kitchen.

'I just thought he was nervous.' Clay whispered to us as we trailed behind.

'This is quite a turnout.' I said to Kat as I looked around at the crowds of drunk teenagers.
'Yeah.' Clay agreed. 'People are happy to see you go.'

Kat rolled her eyes. 'I really just threw it so Hannah could finally meet some people before I depart this realm.'

'I met Helmet.' Hannah piped up pointing at Clay.

'Clay doesn't count. You met him at work.'

'I feel like that should count.' Clay replied to Kat looking slightly offended.

'Of course you do.' She said. 'Okay, refills. Clay, what is your drink?'
He shrugged. 'Uh, Sprite.'

'Oh, my God, you are priceless. You are a gem. You'll have a beer.' Kat then turned to me. 'And you my lady.'

'Anything with vodka in it.'

She nodded and just before she walked away a boy called her name. 'Kat.'
He waved his camera, gesturing to take a photo.

We all put our arms around eachother and posed for a photo. As Kat went to go get my drinks I tuned out of Hannah and Clay's conversation, looking around for any hot boys.

That's when my eyes landed on a particular boy. He had beautiful brown hair and a bronzed complexion, he also appeared to be wearing the liberty jacket.

He was a jock.

'I'll be back.' I told Hannah and Clay and headed to the drinks table right near this boy.

I grabbed a red cup from the stacked pile and rummaged through the selection of liquor on the table.

'Hey, this stuff is much better if you want it.' A husky voice said to me.
I turned around seeing the hot guy from before, who was pulling a flask out of his jacket.

'Sure.' I agreed to try it and handed my cup over to him which he poured the contents in the flask into the cup.

'Here you go.'

I took a swig of the drink, maybe too big of a swig. As the contents went down my throat it burned. I didn't want to embarrass myself infront of the hot boy, so I attempted to suppress my cough.

'I'm Monty by the way.' He told me with a smirk.

It was the kind of smirk that tells you i'm a bad boy, but the kind that is so sexy it draws you in.

'I'm Clair. I just moved down here from Santa Monica.'

'Is that so? Well looks like i'll have to show you around.'

I blushed at this. 'I'd love that.'

'So could I like get your number?'

'Sure.' He handed me his phone and I put my number in it, I tried to hold the phone with a firm grip to cover my nerves.

The butterflies in my stomach had me shaking like a leaf.

And that's where the trouble began with bad boy Monty. Kat's going away party.

I never saw her after this party, but if I did I would thank her.

For introducing me to him.

The two of us texted non stop over the summer, however everytime he would arrange to see me I would tell him I was busy.

Keep mean to keep them keen.

Or maybe I was nervous?

Whatever it was I couldn't avoid seeing the jock any longer as school was just around the corner.

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