Self Destruction

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Always feeling lonely

Like everone doesn't care

So sick of the world

Too much pain for one to bare

Always feeling broken

Your body's screaming inside

So you turn to destruction

Something no one can hide

Think you're confused?

And this isn't the answer?

So you try to fight it

But it's like a form of cancer

Just can't stop it

And begin to lose control

Like an unforgiving nightmare

The truth that you don't want to be told

Believing what they say

That you're undeniable a freak

Feel like they are laughing, watching you fall

Looking down on the weak

So that blade is who you call

The stress is just too much

Just want to escape all of the thoughts

Easing the pain with just the right touch

Will the scars ever fade?

Or will you ever be pure again?

After getting hooked

Feels like there's no hope for yourself in the end

You want to give it up

And have relief from it all

Just don't know how to escape the urge

Feeling stuck in a never-ending hall

You don't want to live

But you're too scared to die

Only want to feel loved

And have no reason to cry

This is one thing you can count on

To make you feel better

That personal high

That makes you feel as light as a feather

They wont understand

Just think you're a fool

Or that your mind is corrupt

Or you're trying to look cool

Making you feel selfish

Because you're hurting the ones you love

So you begin to pray

Hoping for help from above

Then you Want to feel alive again

But don't know how

Because you can't tell anyone

They didn't understand then, so why now?

It isn't easy feeling alone

But you know this is wrong

Just tired of the secrets and lies

That have been going on for too long

It's your own form of heroine

For when you feel empty inside

This rain of blood wont stop

You'll just continue to run and hide

And putting on a fake smile

For everyone that you see

So they wont know your secret

And think you're as happy as can be

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