Drugs: Your New (not so) Best Friend

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There it goes again

Lined up and ready to take charge

That rich, toxic chemical that kills the pain;

Stopping all of the suffering in it's tracks

That powerful monster that makes anything feel possible

Destroying the inevitable impossible

Giving more courage for you to do anything and everything

You are on top of the world

Soaring through the clouds

Dancing with the angels in heaven

How could something so wrong feel so right?

Careless, fearless, filled with bundles of energy

Nothing can stop you now

If you wanted, you could run a million miles

Leap a thousand leaps

Swim the longest ocean

You're stronger than any person who ever lived

It is so exciting

Your heart beats faster and faster

Taking in that vibrant speed over and over gain

Nothing else matters now

Not the past, not the future

You feel better than you ever have

There's a newly found level of self confidence

You thought you could never achieve

All thanks to your new best friend

Who will be there for you

Calling your name

Wanting to destroy all of your troubles

Begging you into another world that only it can take you

Screaming for you to give in

And take another dose, smoke another smoke

And you're loving every minute of this vast sensation

Little do you know, you're new friend is also your worst enemy

It leaves you, you become impatient

Anticipating, waiting for it to come back

To heal you again like it always has

To provide you with immediate satisfaction

You'll stop at nothing to drift off

Into that perfect world just one more time

Then suddenly you realize what's going on

Some sort is paradox

You want to get high because you're getting high

You feel horrible, stuck in this never-ending cycle

You realize you're forgetting about everyone you once cared for

Who is this person taking over you?

Are they your friend?

You decide you don't care anymore

It doesn't matter what you are doing with your life

It doesn't matter who you are becoming (or possible who you have already become)

It doesn't even matter that you're ruining the lives of

Everyone around you

All that does matter is that you are enjoying every minute of it

Or are you?

You may feel like heaven now

But as soon as it leaves your body

You're in hell

Withdrawal Is the devil

So you begin to fight back

Calling upon the angels just ONCE more to save you

And answer all of your problems all in one moment

Achieving that high that now feels like home

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