Chapter 1

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(THIS IS EXTREMELY CRIMGE STORY BTW!! I wrote this almost two years ago so don't hate me for it lmao!!  I'm talking to y'all with the straight white male pfp saying "oh so we are straight?" Anyways, I'm gonna try and edit some stuff but a lot of the stuff I can't bc it ruins the whole plot. If you notice anything I should edit let me know! Enjoy! <3 )

Y/n pov
I woke up at 6:50 am and checked my phone. I opened Instagram and seen I had 30k new followers! "OMG WHAT?!!" I say excitedly.
I think I said it too loud because my Mom came in. "WHAT ARE YOU OKAY WHAT IS IT?!!" She asks. My mom is pretty overprotective, but I've gotten used to that. "Uh yeah Mom I'm fine!" I say.
I got dressed into these clothes:

(Whatever you want)

I try to dress according to what's trending but nobody ever takes any notice. Well, nobody talks to me anyway in school.

I sat down to eat my breakfast when my brother comes into the room. "Mom, I have someone over." He says. "Are you kidding me Mason?!" Mom says. He has girls over literally every night. He thinks he's so cool now he's in college and can do what he wants. It's annoying. Extremely annoying. "Bye guys." I say and left.

I got my skateboard and rode it to school.
When I got there everyone was surrounding the door. I see someone from far away. OMG ITS NOAH SCHNAPP!

Omg he's like on of my idols. Why is he at my school? Should I ask for a picture? No, he probably wants privacy, right?

I try to ignore it but I can't even go inside, their fans are blocking the doorway.
"Excuse me." I say. "No shut up!" Someone says back to me. I don't know who it was but what a b-

I've been waiting 10 minutes. Ugh this is why I hate coming in early to school.

FINALLY! The principal comes out. "Guys come on! Please be nice to our new students, at hi to Millie, Gaten, Sadie, Caleb, Finn and Noah."

Oh my god

Love is strange {Noah schnapp x reader} Where stories live. Discover now