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“What’s your name?” Riya asked, interviewing the twelfth applicant that day for the job of Indira’s carer on her journey to Switzerland.

“Tristan” the interviewee responded “Tristan White”.

Riya looked at his file in front of her. He came highly recommended by Santas, an agency that provided nurses and carers for the elderly or sick.

“How many sick persons have you cared for?”

“Several” Tristan answered, “Starting first with my dad and granddad. They both died from cancer” Tristan grinned.

Is he joking? Riya wondered. “So sorry” She said.

“I’m not sorry I’ll get the job ‘cause of this” He said.

She laughed. Nice one. He was cheerful. Indira needed someone who was not too serious-minded like the other applicants she has been interviewing all day. She liked him. He will make Indira laugh. Besides that, he was gorgeous. The movie-star kind of gorgeous. Could his looks be able to charm Indira into not being willing to die?

“Switzerland. Have you ever been there?” Riya asked.

Tristan shook his head. Crossed his legs and said “what matters is that I can speak their official languages. I won’t miss my way there” He said.

“How many languages can you speak?”

“Six” He said “Hindi, German, English, French, Italian and Spanish. Don’t worry, Miss Indira will be safe with me”.

“How come you speak Hindi so fluently without a foreign accent?”
“My mom. She was an Indian”.

“She’s late? My condolences” Riya said “but you don’t look like an Indian at all”.

“I hear that a lot” he replied. His skin colour was like that of any other white guy.

Riya tapped Tristan’s file. She would have loved to go with Indira but Indira had prohibited her from coming along. Besides that, her understanding of German and French were so poor for her to assist Indira in Switzerland.

“Why do you want this job?” She asked “I mean you’ll have to travel to a distant place” She said.

“That’s not the issue, ma” Tristan said “I’m in desperate need of money and I’ll fly anywhere to get it” He smiled.

He’s desperate for money. She thought. He’d do anything for it.

“How about I tell you a better way to earn a higher pay from me?” Riya said.

Tristan pulled his two ears “For money. Your wish is my command, ma” Flashing a smile that could put the sun to shame.

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