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The night is still young in California.

As they're heels stump the ground with a raucous thump, there is not enough momentum for their act to make much concern to the people around them. After all, If your reputation precedes you, there is hardly anything you can do to add more dignity in what has already been made of yourself. Inaaya and Asya. Their names are whispered under unfriendly banters, their sins preached in every bar and club they attend. And tonight was not much different. They push through the rows of uncanny people, no need for verification, their faces known by every bouncer of the area and more. Walking towards the bar, Asya could still hear the uproar of the crowd outside of the building, the music booming from the speakers not loud enough to drown the voices in her head. This is a terrible idea. It has always been Inaaya and Asya, Asya and Inaaya. But this was another lie soon to overflow out of their cups. Asya could feel the pressure of yet another work which had to be done. Inaaya, on the other hand, couldn't care less. She drank carelessly, her hand laying on the first person she could reach. As her slender fingers caress the ones of her sister, a passerby would just think of it to be an act of sisterly love, but just one more glance and the image would be shattered. Inaaya dug her pointy nails in Asya's skin, not strong enough to draw blood, earning a whimper from the scared one.

- Don't you dare ruin this for me as you've done this past week ! - her voice raising over the music , it was unnatural even for Inaaya to act like this.

- But sister - Asya was shaking, the alcohol in the system making her head cloudy and her body reacting differently from how she would act without its influence.

- There is no but, this time is different.

- How is this time different from any other time, huh ?! Are we going to change?! Or is this going to continue, hiccup, with means to no end? I can't do this anymore...

Asya felt herself snap. She couldn't even hear the last words coming out of her mouth, her heartbeat filling her ears and shushing every outside voice. Was this the day when she could finally muster enough courage and leave the world she unwillingly entered? But luck wasn't on her side. She felt Inaaya's nails dig deeper in her wrist , Her deep voice resonating in her ear:

He's here!

With a pompous stance, a young man, possibly of the same age as them, entered the bar. Asya could swear on herself that she had seen him before. But who was he? Before Asya could have an answer, the young man comes and wraps his arms behind their backs.

- Where has my favorite costumer been? Cmere , the big man wants his toy back.

Asya could notice the swift in his accent. He couldn't possibly be from Cali, and the people they worked with were always from the area. Then what was he doing here?

- Lets finish the work here fast, I've got other work to do. - Inaaya send Asya a death glare, so cold and sinister she froze on the spot.

- Why so fast Baby? Well then, What do you think of 300k?

- That is too much! - Asya let herself slip, and so with her words went the chances for her to survive the night.

- Why didn't you tell me that tonight we have a little guest? And who may you be, little songbird?

Asya hated the sweet words, the pet names. The way she physically cringed luckily went unnoticed to the both of them, but she didn't trust herself enough to speak again.

- My little sister, no one of great importance in this conversation.

- But her pretty words seem to disagree with you. What if you speak again, little songbird?- His voice was teasing, and Inaaya could feel the conversation slip out of her grasp. This was what she hated the most out of her sister. The way she could make everyone swift to her interest. How she controlled the emotions of the room with every word that came out of her mouth. How naive she was. But most of all, she hated how easy she could fall on her trance. They were twins after all, but with a big difference between them. And that desire that she had made her fumble out in anger:

- 500k!

- Deal. - His voice was calm, but the hint of excitement was still there. Asya knew they didn't have that much in their car, so there were no chance of them paying him on one go. Still, they were used to lying. Lying was to them as a second language, something you get used to a lot after the business they had to deal with.

To Inaaya, this was another job done, which would result into another high of her chasing cars. One more drink and everything would go back to what it was. Yet no drink could fill the hole inside her heart. In another night, she might have punished Asya. Tonight however, she had no desire to do so. She didn't need more reasons to leave. And what Inaaya knew best, was that there was nothing without Asya. Asya was her drug, and she did nothing but hate her by the minute and loved her by the next. Nothing she couldn't resist one more night. Just one more night. A shared thought, between some of the most uncanny people.

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