chapter 13

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The multi color lights of the bar burned through my eyes, everything on sight appearing on shades of purple and white. I saw people through and through as they enjoyed their time like it was the last day on earth. Maybe it was. You never know when an asteroid crashes on us. I was quite out of my head, and many of my thoughts were illogical, but I had hope. So much hope. I had many people paying for my drinks, but I didn't need the escort of any of them. Living with the knowledge that everything could go wrong in the span of a second never helped up in late nights and early mornings. Every drink was less of that knowledge on my head. The music that blasted from the speakers ignited goose bumps through my skin, an aching desire to dance coming over me. Inside the dance floor it was like dancing on the Northern Lights; beneath the dry-ice smoke swirled an array of blues, acid greens, hot pinks and gold. The music played over the dance floor as if had fused with the bodies. Unknown faces and unknown drinks in everyone hands, there's so much sweat on my skin and not all of is mine. The strobe masks so many of my movements, every clap of my hands like it's on pause at different moments. This is everything I restricted myself from in Cali, to the smallest detail. I hated this. Hatred boils my skin and burns holes that leak out every vice I hold of myself. Extending an arm outside of the dance floor my feet are not ordering my commands. The smoke twisted in its artistic way, forming curls in the gloom, illuminated only by the age-speckled bar lights. Engulfed by the smoke, I'm stuck in place, head empty. I tried making out the figure in front of me, but it was empty. Feeling an overwhelming sense of dread, I pushed back out of all the people, screaming all the names I knew. I felt the feminine hands of a woman wrap around my wrist, and as I was about to turn around I was face to face with an abduction. Two men were carrying Alisan limp body, no one batting an eye to what was happening right behind their backs. I wanted to scream shout at the top of my lungs, but a hand restricted my lungs. I turned around to see a young woman with droopy eyes, much taller than me, watching me this resentful eyes. I tried to push away, my body shriveling over hers, yet her body frame hovered over me. Soon my body was out of energy and breath, so she removed the hand from my mouth. Even with my breath ratchet and threatening to stop in every passing second, my voice bursted through the room:

-Alisan! Where is he?! Where are they taking him?! - I was convulsing, hardly getting any air in my lungs. Still that didn't shake the girl, taking me further away from the main entrance. - Where did you put him?! Brian... Where is Brian?! Who are you?!

- Finally a question I can answer. I'm Asya, and If want to be alive tonight then you must follow me.

My mouth was shut with an invisible tape, an abduction of myself. I followed her through countless halls, passing through bodies and tripping over those who had already passed out on the floor. It was horrid, the way their limbs had been dislocated in the floor, mouths foaming with a weird white substance threatening to spill out of their mouths. In our run, I took one of the cups laying in the floor, still half full of liquor. I catch up way too late to everything that was happening. I tugged on the ends of Asya's dress, an ear splitting scream pulling the both of from our dazed state. She scanned the area to see people coughing terribly and falling over unconscious. Someone poisoned them.

- This was not part of the plan, - she said, as if she lost a move in chess, a cold deception to the eyes of the unknown.

- You had no plans. Non. Stop lying to me and tell me the fucking truth! - She shifted her eyes in different direction, avoiding me. Devoid of everything, my senses screamed at me to stop. Taking hold of the hand she was pulling me with. She tripped, yet she didn't fall, instead landing face to face with me, a terrible awe igniting in her eyes. Her face was beaded with cold sweat, and her hair crowned her forehead in eloquent swirls. She was beautiful. This will be her demise.

-Tell. Me. Now. Who do you work for, huh? An Elite? Let me guess, Imogene? - In the moment, it took all that she was and heaven too for her to not turn around. With wide eyes, she let me out of her grasp, instead mouthing in shock the same words that repeated in my head like a broken record. Nonononono...

- How do you know Imogene?! Wait.. - she shook her head, smiling a half- smile under gritted teeth. -Of course you know who Imogene is. Brian, right? She has been looking for him for 3 years. And in the process she ruined the lives of a thousand. Don't you dare bring me back to her.

In a rush, she removed the sleeves of her dress, showing me her wounded wrists and arms. The ones you see in drug addicts and in tortured prisoners. Far out of the common yes ay a tattoo of two initials. I & A. Suddenly everything clicked. She was Inaaya's sister. The one Imogene tortured in the search of Brian. I felt dizzy, the music coming from the club suddenly too much. Sharp pain lanced through my head and colorful spots flashed in front of my eyes, it felt like my whole body had been beaten and every movement caused some muscle or bone to ache. Regardless, I needed to get out of here...away from those things. I was warned about the drugs they sell on the streets, the ones they could slip into my drink, and the ones that might become appealing to my eyes; however, they never prepared me for what I just saw. I had no bigger desire than to kill whoever did that to such a innocent being. Now the role had switched, and I took her arm forcefully looking for Brian. It seemed that she catched up to the fact that all of us were connected by some invisible strings that refused to be cut, or by accident, yet now that we were so visible there was no escape from Imogene's wrath. She was afraid. The less you know, the better, they say. But fear is what pushed me to tell her everything. From the end to the beginning. And it was fear that pushed me to the highest floor, where Alisan's body laid unconscious.

- Alisan! - I chanted his name in unimaginable ways, as if it could wake him up again. The room was full of glass shards, and only ten I noticed two more bodies laying on the side of the window. The moon illuminated his sleeping figure, and I searched for his pulse while Asya busied herself with the two man, struggling to pick them up. She took the knife that was hiding in the back pocket of one of their jackets and slashed Alisan's ropes, hid body directly falling into mine. I finally found his pulse, and it beats so hard I think it will burst through his chest. He wakes up in an urgent glory, His eyes reaching mine as to say "I'M ALIVE". And he was. He was so beautifully alive even when death was holding him by his last straw.

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