chapter 10

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The conversation didn't help out all, and there was no way that we could navigate the city with only an old map and a rundown car. Alisan persisted that he knew the area, but that happened when we were drunk out of our heads. The effects of the liquor had already wore off, but my legs were hurting. Alisan was ecstatic, walking in the pavement like a kid revisiting his old neighborhood. The city had an odd feel to it, from the abandon buildings to the old women watching us like ravens in search of their next prey. The children were playing outside of their homes, their ball falling between my feet. Pushing it back to them, seeing their smiles grow wide as they hush out a fast sorry makes me elated. Soon enough were in front of a building resembling a mix of a witches house and a veteran museum. Ivy flowers fell out of their cracks, painting the walls in colors of green and orange. Some of them were withering with age, just like any plant in the peak of autumn. The sign in the thatched roof was falling apart, yet the letters were legible. The waysun. Hm. It looked like a historic site, but it could be anything. Brian leaned in to ask me the same question that was circling in my head, but I wasn't so sure, so I just shrugged. Alisan opened the giant doors, when a cheery voice, much like his own greeted us:

-Come in! And who ought to be?

What an eccentric way to speak. Alisan's eyes sparkled, running towards the table where the voice's owners was located. Surprisingly, the voice came from a woman in the midst of her life her abnormally deep voice echoing in the hallways of the building. Her hair graying at the roots, it accompanied the grey of her skirts and her gloves. She had a calm aura, the one that entrances you in tranquility, soft and mellow just as the wallpaper of the house. It looked like her house, more so than an actual building or site. Stepping on the side of the chair, I noticed her white eyes behind the monocles. She was blind. The old woman reached for something to balance herself, when Brian stretched an arm.

-Who are you, young man? I surely have no meet you before.

-It is me, sweet lady. Alisan. - Smiling with every word, it's quite easy to get used to this happy version of him. I tried to introduce myself to her, but I didn't know what to say. Star struck by the bizarre situation, I left the situation in Alisan's hands.

- Alisan, my boy, the person next to me is not you. Mind you to introduce me to your friends?

-Certainly. The one in your side is my sweet friend Brian, accompanying me to here. - I just noticed that the way spoken by the two of them was directly in the middle of the spectrum between formal and comfortable. They spoke as two old friends of many years, and yet at the same time they spoke as they just meet.

- And what about the young woman standing there. She isn't a ghost like the many I mingle with, is she? - how did she see me!? I broke eye contact, hoping that the leg movement would go unnoticed by others. Eve.

- What a beautiful name dear. Come, there must be a reason thou art here.

Walking up the double helix staircase, Alisan whispers in my ear '' Don't get too distracted by her speech. We will get as soon as possible out of here."

I didn't understand his omniscient sentence, but I didn't dare question in the presence of the lady right on my side. The stairs seemed to go by with no end. The decrepit staircase creaks and groans in complaint as a pair of feet come thumping down the ageing stairs. The staircase is battered but beautiful. Although it looks tired and worn down, there are signs of a past full of history; scuffed bronze handrails, iron swirled balusters and the patches of polished wood that shines in the soft light. In the top of the staircase stood a hallway filled with rooms, some of them open while others closed off for no one to see. There were historic tapestry, the vases and paintings put on abnormal positions around the doors. If one of those doors went open, then they would soon break into little paces. The lady opened the door furthest away from the staircase, and at the same time another door opened behind my back, but maybe it was my imagination.

- Here you can find what you're looking for. - she said wearingly, blinking her eyelids in a furious state. - But never, ever take anything from here.

Brian was quite fascinated by the room, roaming through the library and shelves full of books. Alison was searching for something, and I was yet to find something beneficial to do. Walking around the room, I found a small box, full of letters , which looked in a good state. They were relatively new, no longer than 5 years old. I took the box in my arms, opening it carefully as to not break the lid. The letters were from an address pretty close to the city we were planning to go in Arizona, the latest of them from 7 months ago. I shouldn't have opened it, but I did. The letters came out one after the other. Addresses I didn't knew the name of, names with no correlations all to the same place. And then it clicked. One of the letters stated the names, on full view: From Inaaya, To Imogene. There was no way.

-Hey Brian? I think this will interest you.

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