chapter 1

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The fall: Evelyn

Just one more night.

The thought intruded my mind, entering and leaving as it pleases. There was no satisfaction from the last shift I was assisted to do, but at least it paid me enough to pass by. After all, what was a broke university student to do? Out of the window doors I could see groups of people scattering around the neon lights, entering bars and leaving the day behind as one might do in a Friday night. I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the mirrors. Evelyn, reads the name tag. It is such a hassle, trying to spell it out to costumers in their failing attempts at small talk. It isn't that the conversation requires more anyways. Cleaning what has been left of the shop as the lights start to blind the shimmering roads, I feel almost, empty. There is nothing more for me to do in this city, but finish school and run away. Run away. It is nothing but a helpless wish. I was about to put the last touches and close the shop, when a loud noise takes me out of my bemusement, and in a haze I cling to my broom, trying to stay intact. This was never supposed to happen. My life was in grave danger as my mind tried to comprehend what I could or should have done next, but to no avail. I could hear footsteps stomping on shards of broken glass, coming closer and closer with every fated second. And I ran. I ran like there was no tomorrow, and there wouldn't be one if I didn't survive from the raptor. Then suddenly, my movement came to an end as my body stopped functioning, fear and terror controlling ever part of me. Bashing myself to a wall, My legs became noodle like with nothing to keep them running. With nothing in close reach, I scrambled around in search for a sharp object. Get the razor. As I reached for the sharp razor, the silluete of what seems like a covered man appears on the door, armed with nothing but a knife. I was fast enough to hide the sharp object close to my body, but the chances of survival were bleak. I couldn't comprehend anything as the man rushes in my side and tries to capture me.

- Where is the money?! Where is the money you-?! - his voice was harsh and his spit covered my face. I could swear that this was the way I would die. But his grip became stronger on my arms, urging me to do something. Something, Everything. I kicked his shin, But he wasn't even fazed. Instead, one of his hands went to my mouth, trying to restrict me more. In a fast move I bit him and got out of his grip, Taking the sharp razor in my hand and pointing it at his chest. I wasn't strong enough to do it, but this could get me some time to run. Then something snapped. The razor was so sharp. So sharp it must feel so good to slash his throat. Everything after that moment was a haze. I could see blood everywhere. So much blood. It was like a Tarantino movie, where the main character either dies or gets justice. But there was no greater justice to be won. I was on my knees, doing whatever I could do to clean the blood, not noticing it getting all over my clothes. I had no choice but to remove his mask. Oh no. Oh no. He was one of the polices of the area. That means that the police would be close to him. Removing my jacket and covering the body with it, I rose back to my feet. I could see my face in the blood clashed mirror. The terror and fear in my eyes wouldn't be enough to convince anyone when I was covered in blood like this. So I did what I could do best.

I ran.

The air slapping me in the face was almost a cruel irony. Did I Deserve that slap? But no slap could get me back to reality. No good deeds could get me to where I was again. I just killed a man. A man. But I am alive. It was almost funny, an eye for an eye. My granddad taught me how to play chess, and sometimes you have to sacrifice something to survive. Was my innocence just a pawn? I thought of going back to the college dorms, but there was no future for me there. Or anywhere, for that matter. Surprise covered my features, seeing how late it was. There was no one in the roads. Surely someone must have seen me. I felt hysterical, as I recalled the way blood surrounded every part of my being, like red paint would do to a canvas. Cars buzz in the absence of humans close to the sidewalk, The lights illuminating in their windows. No one even passes a glance towards me, and I'm glad. Maybe Ill find a sewer to pass the night, and then I'll just...

I could hear the police sirens rings. The sirens alarming every cell of my body, the sound was loud enough to wake up the entire neighborhood. I stood up straight, adrenaline rushing through my body, ready to start and run again, when I saw a fast car approaching and stopping directly on my feet. The window opens to show a young men, around his twenties, his eyes candidly piercing mine. I couldn't understand the reason why he might want to help me, but his situation in the moment seemed close to mine.

- Well now, the police might as well chase the both of us. Are you in for a ride?- I could notice the way his lips curve up in a smile, a sinister one at that. I didn't knew him, but this could be my calling shot at surviving the night. I killed a person today, I could do it again tomorrow. But I couldn't put my own security at risk like that. I still had an ounce of dignity.

- How do I know I can trust You?! I almost got killed, I'm not in it to die tonight. - I tried to sound harsh, angry, just as I feel, but aside I've got nothing else to lose. His voice, on the contrary, is sweeter than wine.

-Oh honey, you can't. But it would be good for the both of us to survive tonight.

And with that, I got in the car. Death won't catch me tonight.

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