Chapter 6

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-We leave at dawn. The city shouldn't be that far away from here and then...we find out when we arrive.

This was the plan. Brian thought it was genius, and Evelyn had enough of disagreement in one night. It was fine. Everything was fine for as long as any of us don't end up dead. I was tired, exhaustion creeping up my skin like a deadly spider. The room was badly proportioned, eccentric and claustrophobic, but most or all it was different from home. This was the biggest movie plot. Three people with no connections get together and one of them is part of some mafia back story and we all change identities in a new city. This was exactly what I saw in fever dreams. Watch us have a million bucks in the garage of our car. I told myself. While I was tired, It was still afternoon, and sleep didn't seem anywhere close. Walking up to the door, I could see Evelyn and Brian discussing something over a small pocket phone, this time not fighting. Maybe they already said their sorry's. Her hand was moving in ratchet movements over the small buttons, but she was smiling. Walking past them to the lobby, I could hear some small ' If this doesn't work I swear to god' and 'Honestly this seems too great to be true'. I didn't knew the context, but an unknown desire entrapped me, and I couldn't help eavesdropping more.

- And then we BAM! New identities. Do you know how many times I've changed till now? People don't even know Brian! Well maybe they do but that doesn't matter. You can probably even find a new job. - He talks a lot with his hands, I noticed. One of them was now messing with the edges of Evelyn's hair, but with a harsh movement of hers they were already gone.

-That would be the dream- Her eyes sparkled, but he stopped her on the track, grabbing her shoulders and turning her around, directly towards the open window behind them. While the scenery wasn't the prettiest, the act sure worked for something.

-A job?! Is that your dream? There is so much more to life than that. Getting settled is nice and all, but that is what kills people. The routine, the repetition. Why settle when the unknown is still there? If you allow me, I might teach you a trick or two in the new city.

- I don't need any of your tricks.

-Ok, But mark my word, you and that little fool will need my tricks.

-Hey! I'm no fool! - Just as I said the last words, my legs missed a step and fell face first in the floor, but not without taking the motels vase with me. Breaking in pieces in my side, my whole body felt the burns of the disapproving looks coming from the both of them. Oh no.

- I can pay - I said hesitantly.

- You have no money, and I spent half of mine for this stupid room we won't even have! You better get up. - He said, shooting a look behind me.

The doors of the rooms opened and closed as the what I could only suspect was an important person of the motel approached Brian. The old man was shorter than him, but the way that he moved his hands in front of Brian's face made even him flinch. Evelyn helped me on my feet, briefly touching Brian on the process. A signal. After a series of words one thrown after the other, Brian was still there, hand closely reaching for the pistol on the back. The man stood unmoved, a sort of toddler expanded to adult size, irritation in his anger, a sort of impetuousness. I watched as thin blond hair moved over skin that yearned for more shade and rest. His eyes were on the small side, as if afraid to let the light in; his mouth was small and rigid, as if only used for the sort of smiles that mask cruelty, perhaps born of a lifetime of suspicion and the special kind of superiority that radiates contempt. It was one of those mouths that only twitch upward when a deception is achieved. Yet that's all he did when Brian shoot the pistol towards the ceiling, in an attempt to distract him and the people that they were attracting. Making a run for it, the parking lot now seemed suspiciously big. But we finally found the car, and in a rush I could almost see Brian smirking.

- They stood no chance! - He says, loudly punctuating his words with a laugh. Evelyn didn't seem impressed, but she certainly looked more relieved than inside the motel.

-What now?- I asked

- Oh, you've got a tongue in that head of yours? It would be nice if you had a brain as well. As you see there isn't much we can do. -As if he jinxed it, the car stopped working momentarily. Getting outside to check for anything, I followed him to see if anything was wrong. Breathing in the fresh air of the evening, it seemed that Brian was no longer angry at me, but there was still something bothering him.

-There isn't enough fuel in this old rag. - I tell him.

-D'you know anything about this area? Maybe a patrol station or something of the kin. - I was shocked to hear him talk to me, and most of all how he appeared clueless of both the car and the area.

-I do, but you have to drive. I have never driven and I doubt ill do it well. - Brian smacks my arm, smirks, and we get back into the car.

With a push and pull the car starts working again, the deserted roads moving along with the motel. I could feel the air on my hair and the radio booming in Brian's bord, and it almost seems as the three of us have found the smallest of solace.

The misfitsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora