chapter 15

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-No! Leave them out of this! -My voice echoed through the wind, as they fled with a mind of their own. I could see Imogene smirking on their way, yet her vision was fixed on me. Behind Imogene, a young woman lurked in the shadows , waiting for her call. For a moment I thought she signaled me, but the chair I was strapped in didn't help me much to notice her narrow eyes, and I was forced to look away

-And why would I? After all, you stole my biggest order with them, and you all have to pay for what I could have cost me. - Her eyes illuminated the moonlight, and I couldn't help but see what was once my old sister. Her secretive smile tricked me little by little, just like her whole existence did.

-We can talk this out! We can solve all of this without them! You have me, right? I'm all that you've looked for, and...and- Nothing. There was nothing to extinguish her anger.

- I have never wanted you, for more than your money! Our parents favorite, the best child, and of course the one who would get all our families money. You where always the one who was made for glory. That glory was mine! Mine and I'll get it back no matter if you're dead or alive! With that she shoot a bullet straight through my side, scarping my arm in the process. I hissed, but the pain was bearable enough for me to bite back. The shouts of Eve and Alisan only earned a snicker from the group of men behind Imogene, who were advancing towards them, groping and gasping to their reach

- If you cared the least about the money than you would now our parents are dead! - I screamed, shaking in my chair in an attempt to relive myself from the straps. Imogene fidgeted in her place, shrieking in a high pitched laughter.

- Then that means I can just kill you and get the money! - Her stupidity hurt me more than ever, mostly because my life is on the line. I saw Evelyn, divulging her for the man gripping towards them from their back. The last thing I saw form Eve was her mouthing me no while her head shook yes. I tried to puzzle her message, but Imogene was now face to face with me. I could feel the cold metal under my chin, its tip pointing upwards for our eyes to meet.

-Give me the money. - she marked every word through pointing the knife closer to my skin, the blood daring to spill as the knife hit way to close to my throat. I saw her spare hand gripping me, and in a daring moment I spun around, the knife cutting through the rope and grazing my skin. Imogene was now in the floor, the knife far away from the both of us. She was defend less, her body laying on the cold concrete shivering like an autumn leaf. She was every once the sister I had. But the moment I tried to reach her arm for help, she fetched a gun from her side, shooting me in the arm. Gasping and hissing through the pain, blood slid down my arm and soaked the cloth material but yet, even though pain fluctuated on my face, the defiant stance and angry crease disguised anger in my figure. I took out my gun and shoot her on the opposite arm, and then rushing to Alisan and Evelyn. I didn't spare a second look at Imogene, as I was too focused in the threat in front of me. No-one wastes bullets anymore. There is no shooting in the air or wild shots in the dark. Each violent boom is a death, straight to the head, no chances to miss. Evelyn was fiercely punching man in the face, brashing through all of them as she rose in front of me. Her mangled lip and obviously broken nose were caked in dried blood, congealed and cracked. The now browning blood had drizzled down her face like so much rain down a window pane. Taking my gun from my hands, she fired the gun in the air, twice one for fear and one for fun. The man scurried away, limping in their broken bones.

- Who knew they were such cowards?! - she laughed, her toothy grin now sprinkled in blood. She looked the same as the day I first met her.

- Would you disagree that you're a murderess now? -Maybe.

Alisan appeared out of the shadows, where he hid for the most of the fight. He rushed to our side, helping me and my bloody arm. Looking back, there was no way that we could get past all the stairs without getting noticed. I felt weak, losing too much blood on my arm as I tried to close it with my empty hand. Over the top of our heads I heard the fast swish of a machine, the wing getting stronger as I rose my head up. The helicopter's subdued green paint was enveloped in a cloud of sandy dust. The blades that beat the air had much the same effect as a small tornado on the loose ground cover. As it came lower we covered our ears, yet it never came down. From the door a booming voice called, to which Evelyn eagerly responded:


-There's no time! Climb up, fast! - she let out a huge ladder, reaching as close to us as possible. Asya extended a hand and grabbed Evelyn first, they're hands clasping together in a loud thumb. The wind blew in my face as I struggled to stand, my feet losing balance. Alisan climbed next, and extended a hand towards me as soon as he reached the second step. Just as I reached the ladder, I felt something grip my feet, taking hold of my whole body as I lost balance, dangling in the ladder. Turning my head around I saw Imogene screaming in anguish, her sound incoherent from the strong wind.

-You won't leave me again! NEVER! - There was a soft mizzle in the sky, the raindrops falling in her face like tears. I struggled in her grasp, as she screamed for me to fall. The helicopter was going further from the ground, and I felt her slip out of my reach. With one last sound Alisan took me inside the helicopter, as I saw what was once my sister and my demise fall under the city lights.

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