chapter 2

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The fall: Brian

Just one more night

The blinding neon lights did a great job at hiding the blood in my fingernails. There was nothing to magnify of it, but just a small fight, and a few stolen thousands. The only thing I needed was a car. And a drink. One drink would quench the thirst with my anger. The faint scent of stale cigarette smoke met my nostrils, pulling my face into a familiar grimace. It was nothing but a cancer mechanism, I recalled, in an attempt to not pull myself back to it. People swam and swerved next to each other, leaving no space between sweaty bodies, the road to the bar closed by a herd of half conscious people. I pushed and pulled, but to no avail. Chatter and pointless noise filled my ears, and as I tried once again to enter the bar shift, I was pushed back to the wall. A wallflower, I was never proclaimed as one. I stumbled back to the main entrance, my leg throbbing with an uncanny pain, when in the corner of my eye I noticed what could only be my next victim. The young woman that caught my eyes was talking leisurely with what seemed like a water drop copy of herself, and in a near proximity to them was a young man, who I assume could be ready to leave. No one careful enough would leave their car keys like that, but I could only applaud them for the little gift I was about to snitch. Ill at ease, I waited for what seemed like hours until the young man leaved, but not without giving the two girls an obscene smirk. This was my chance. I walked leisurely, with no worries in my mind, as if the keys were already mine. When I was close adequate, the heavy smell of alcohol hit my senses and drowned them. They must be so drunk. With this new found information, I had a new ways to get the keys under my belt.

- Sorry ladies, but I must have forgotten something in here. - They didn't even bulge at my request, but what I assumed would be the older one spoke first

-What now Lorenzo?! You know we have no money for you anymore! get us a drink of something and then we may talk. - who has such a terrible name?! But on the sound of money, a spell bound desire filled me with an immense courage to ask about more, but I couldn't risk getting noticed.

- Oh dear the work here is done - a swift motion and the keys are in my hand,- and alas, I have nothing else to ask you for but, - and there they go in my pocket - when we can meet again.

- Not tonight, and maybe never again. - her voice soften and the words went melodically in my ear, but the meaning was harsh. Or was she who spoke? I sent a glance at the other sister, who looked shaken and resentful. she had a bewitching beauty, much different from the hostile and harsh one of the other sister. They were twins, but a sea set them apart.

- Well then, Farewell, my dears. - this was an interesting night, to say the least.

The keys jingled in my pocket, creating a familiar tingle to that of the money I was used to have in every situation. Looking at the keys, the car looked exorbitant. Walking and walking led me to a surprisingly old car for the wealth and reputation that the two girls seemed to have. Nonetheless, it was a nice mechanism to hide the dirty jobs that must have occurred in that car. Orange in color, it radiated an aura of theft and money lust that I was starving for, in a way that said at me Take me Steal me . And so I did. But just as I was about to enter the car, a blaring alarm went off, piercing through my ears. I could hear shouts and the noise of cars bursting through the open gates of the parking lot. I was repulsive. I jumped on the car, starting it and rushing in the opposite. When I looked past the mirror, I noticed the herd of police cars chasing me down. Adrenaline rushing through my blood, I could feel the cold air rushing through my hair. I swift the car, but my attempt to lose the police just hasten the chances of me loosing today. The police was trying to corner me, I realized soon to late. But that wouldn't happen today. I went directly through the gang roads, somewhere that the police wouldn't even dare to follow me. Glancing once more out of my window brakes, just to have my eyes blinded by the furious light of the police alarm. There is only me and one police car now. As I was about to cross through and reach the road for the highway, my eyes hastily caught notice of a what seemed to be a woman. Curiosity killed the cat, and when I saw what was behind her, terror and fear covered every cell of my body, The glass was shattered and what was left was slashed with blood. Red enveloped my mind, and in a haze I took the car in her direction. She was herself engulfed in blood, and with the police following me, I could very well be her doom. But I took the chances, opening the car to her side.

- Well now, the police might as well chase the both of us. Are you in for a ride?- I tell her, mustering the most kindness I can comprehend. I would not be her killer, nor her predator, and were both in a death wish tonight.

- How do I know I can trust You?! I almost got killed, I'm not in it to die tonight. - She told me in a harsh and hostile manner, but her eyes showed fear. Time was running out, and there would be more than one dead body if we didn't hurry tonight.

-Oh honey, you can't. But it would be good for the both of us to survive tonight.

With that she got into the car. We might have a chance to survive tonight.

(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

I couldn't catch the highway, but the road we were in was good enough for tonight. However, I had no idea of the destination, and I wasn't used to having more than one person in the car. All she took from me was a towel, refusing to even open her mouth

- What's your name?

- Won't tell.

- Okay Evelyn. Mine is Brian

Shock was evident in her face, but she quickly cached on the fact that her tag name was still intact. She tried to give me a glare, But it wasn't strong enough of one.

-Hey, now, you might not trust me-

- Yeah, Robin hood.

- I see were close enough. So , would you mind telling me the reason behind-

- Stop! - She exclaims, an animalistic sound coming out of her throat.

With a loud bang, I see what was the reason behind her exclaim. And it wasn't a good one. Death was following us tonight. 

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