chapter 5

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I like this place. Well, that's a lie. I have no place to like anything, but this is the closest I have to a home. Walking towards the door of our shared bedroom, I notice a familiar face, the smile of which grows ear to ear when he sees me.

-Brian! - his little joyful face lights up, the almond like eyes glimmering under the faint lights of the motel. He runs towards me, and I briskly catch him in my own two arms.

- You've been gone for so long! I thought you left like McKenzie or Aaron! Even Tayra left, and I'm so lonely in here! - Tobias pouts in the end of every sentence, dragging the vowels a bit too long. It is a habit of little kids, I realized, as the memory of Aaron came to mind.

- Is there anyone to accompany you? - I ask with a pang in my chest, fearing that he is all alone on this shitty motel, but his toothy smile tells me otherwise.

-Well, there is Mom, and there is this little boy called Elijah, but I don't have to worry anymore, because you're here now! you'll stay for long, right?! - He looks so damn hopeful, and I can't tell him the truth. I t would feel just like telling a little kid that Santa doesn't exist. So I settle, let it drag for one more night. I doubt the chances of us staying here more than one night, and that's certainly not long enough for Tobias. I mutter a small "okay" and see Tobias jump up and down from happiness. Soon, a feminine voice calls him, and in the rack of the door I see the face of his mother. What a disgrace, her life. But I'm not the one to judge.

Tired of staying at the same spot, I rush to the rooms, where I see both Evelyn and Alisan staying on opposite sides of the bed, possibly waiting for me. Evelyn seems stressed out, the blood is still there in her eaten nails, while Alisan looks bored, expressionless, And I can bear the monotone feeling of this room. Even fights with high school kids were more exciting than this!

- So? What are we doing now? I kept y'all in my car, saved you from the police, and now were here with no idea of each other. Mind an introduction or something.

- We know the name of each other, that should be enough. - Evelyn jumps to the situation, her eyes darting around the room as she speaks. It may be a habit of hers, put it rubs me of in the wrong way.

- It should, but it isn't. We can stay in this motel for too long. What are we gonna do then? Pity each other when the police catches up on us? - I tell them, but neither seems to care much.

- You should know, as you seem to have been in this situation before, - Evelyn seems to be in a mood today, and I'm not here for it.

- You're not the one to talk when you haven't even said a fucking thing about the situation! Were all in a death wish and Your biggest problem is to quarrel around?! Might as well just give ourselves directly to the police. HA, a murderess, a thief and an euthanasia attempter. Fun right?!

- Pardon me from this bullshit! The police will catch up no matter of the place, Mr. know it all. And if you're so courageous as to save the lives of uncanny people, you can go and make a band of them. Don't act as if you're a goody two shoes now. I know your name and what you've done before.- Rumors really do spread fast. A boiling anger rises inside of me, and she looks just like anyone in the moment. I thought she was cleverer than this. In fact, she is. Even I wouldn't trust myself in such a sketchy place. Yet, there is the elephant in the room that any of us can do anything about. If we don't help each other, no one will.

- Pardon? You're beginning to fade out too fast. You want solutions, huh Evelyn? There isn't one. Well, it's a matter of whether I choose to help you or not. You're here because I saved you, but if you're going to be disrespectful about it then you can go. Without me you'll be dead. Hang on a minute, God's talking, I should what? Oh yeah, Sure then. You can leave now. -As soon as they leave my mouth, I regret everything . I see her stand up, her reaction unreadable. I shouldn't have said that. Oh no, no.

-If you want me dead so bad, you shouldn't have taken me in the first place. Don't worry, I'll leave. - Evelyn has a way with words that is so admirable, I hate it. I felt when I first saw her covered in blood, and I feel it now. Our anger is indivisible. She reaches for the door, and as I turn my eyes to Alisan he looks in a loss for words, but he to reaches up to catch her, only to be pulled down by an unnoticeable force. Before she turns the doorknob, her eyes catch mine.

-I dare you to open that doorknob. - I say. - and you know why. No one can leave this, and neither of you will for that matter. I've got a plan, but I don't now if all of us can even manage if we don't cooperate. This is our only chance. - I talk more softly than before, in hopes that at least one will understand. - And Eve - A pause. I'm not used to saying that. So I don't. Even if I had said it, it wouldn't have helped much. Yet Evelyn looks at me, anger drifting off. We don't hate each other that much, as to risk our lives over it.

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