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I don't own the art above, credits to the artist UwU

Levi's POV:

The morning ruckus of New York is so euphoric. There's always a smell of fresh fall air and coffee that's simply intoxicating! Everyone seems to always be in a rush, nobody really ever takes the time to admire the beauty of New York in the morning.

I really do love it here.

After spending a couple of years in France for college, it's great to be back where I grew up, nostalgic even. I missed it here. I lug my heavy suitcase down the stairs and go to look for my parents in the airport.

I finally spot a gigantic sign that reads: welcome home Levi! In big letters, being held my my mother and father. I walk towards them with a disoriented expression and give them a quick hug. I just want to get out of this airport for now.

They seem to take the hint and we all begin walking towards the exit. I look around at all of the signs which make me comfortable since English is my first language.

My mom notices my starry eyed gaze and she chuckles.

"Glad to be back home huh?" She smiles. I nod knowing that my time in France seemed so foreign and new that I'd missed the small things like seeing signs in a language I was familiar with.

We walk outside and I am immediately hit with the scent of coffee and fresh air. I take a deep breath and smile a bit. This smell was probably the thing that I'd missed most about New York.

We walk over to the car where Mikasa is waiting in the driver's seat. I sigh knowing that she'll expect me to tell her every single detail of my time in France. Everybody loads into the car and Mikasa grips the steering wheel angrily.

"So, Levi... you still a virgin?" Mikasa asks with a straight face. My face turns red, what kind of question is that!?

"Mikasa, WHAT THE FUCK?!" She chuckles.

"Well, I'm your sister so you should tell me these things, you haven't called me in forever so it's only natural to be curio-"

"No it's not! Fucking weirdo!" I cut her off, my slight French accent starting to grow noticeable. She just shrugs and keeps driving. Obviously I'm still a virgin but why the hell does it concern her?!

"I just wanted to know, jeez." She mumbles. My mom just chuckles again.

"Obviously he's still a virgin Mikasa, he blushes at every topic concerning sex." Mikasa laughs and at this point I just want to crawl into a hole and die.

"WHAT THE- MOM YOU TOO?!" I scream, insanely flustered. My father who is in the back seat just laughs awkwardly and looks out of the window. You know what, I take it back, I'd much rather be in France than here with my psychotic family.

The drive back home is silent as my mother and father watch me stare out of the window lovingly. I missed it here so much. When we finally get back to the house I rush inside to put my stuff up. My suitcase is unbearably heavy so it's hard to drag to my room.

After about ten minutes of hard labor I finally reach my door my family just watches from the bottom of the stairs, they must think it's amusing to watch a 5' 3'' man carry a suitcase bigger than him.

They didn't even bother to help.

I sigh and slump down for a moment to catch my breath before I open the door and drag my suitcase into the room. I pant and lay down on the bed that's left exactly as it was when I left for college.

Not that it matters though, I haven't grown any. I decide to leave the unpacking for another day. I know that it's probably only 10:00pm here but it feels like 12:00am and I'm tired.

Without a second thought, I drift off too sleep. This is the most comfortable rest I've had in a while.

—————-da time skip——————

I wake up to the sound of rustling and I gradually lift my small frame off of the mattress to investigate.

I rub my eyes and gaze down to see Mikasa rummaging trough my stuff. I growl and throw my pillow at her face.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?!" I hiss. She just smirks.

"Going trough your stuff, obviously." She retorts with a stupid grin. I just steal my pillow off of the floor and throw it at her again.

"Don't do that asshole!" I scream. She groans.

"Awwwwww but you have such cute skirts!" I groan, this is giving me a headache.

"Yeah, I have cute skirts not you so give them back!" After a bit more of her obnoxious teasing she finally unhands the skirt.

"Yeah okay fine." She sighs leaving my room. I take a deep breath in and begin unpacking the rest of my stuff. When I get to the bottom of the bag I find a rather concerning item that I'm sure I didn't pack...

"GODDAMIT ERWIN!" I scream picking up the toy "WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS?!" I scream not realizing how loud my voice is.

Mikasa bursts trough the door and gasps at the item in my hand. Shit.

"It'snotwhatyouthink,oneofmyfriendsfromcollegemusthaveputitthere!" She begins dying of laughter.

"Mom, guess what Levi has!" She screams, her voice strained from laughter.

"Mikasa don't you dare!" She runs off with the toy to go show mom and I die of embarrassment on the spot, I need to get a job so I can leave this hell hole. Nobody respects anyone's privacy nowadays.

I lock my door and sit on the floor. I open my laptop and impulsively begin searching for jobs. I really need my own house.

After minutes of searching, one job catches my eye.

"Yeager corps?" I mumble, clicking on the link for the job. Apparently they need an intern and it pays pretty decently...

I might just submit an application...


Thank you to anyone who read this far, idk if I'll continue the story (I feel a little odd writing it) but I have a lot of free time so if I do continue it, there will be frequent updates lol

Word count: 1,070

Sweetheart- EreRi Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat