Where Do We Begin?

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I don't own the art above credits to the artist

Nobody's POV:

Levi left the mall with bags of goodies. 20 bags to be exact, filled with clothes and sweets and everything that Levi even showed the slightest of interest in.

Eren carried most of the bags for him. Levi was speechless, his family has rarely ever had enough money to buy the stuff for a single decent recipe without being in debt, much less any luxury items yet here he was with thousands of dollars worth of useless junk that he didn't need.

But then again Eren did have thousands of dollars to spend...

He swears that they spent like an hour at the checkout.

Yet Eren is still intent on buying him even more stuff.

"Eren, you don't have to buy me food, you almost bought out four entire stores! It's only our first date! It just feels so wasteful-" Eren whips his head towards Levi.

"It's okay, all of my bills are paid already and I have money to spend, I want to spoil you." Levi flushes red.

He puts his thoughts aside and looks over at Eren whom is noticeably very nervous. He decides that for Eren's sake, he'll just go along with it.

After what feels like forever, they arrive at a high-end looking place. Eren, being the born aristocratic brat that he is, waltz's in holding his head up high though only in skinny jeans and a band t-shirt.

Levi stands along the sidelines and follows Eren's lead, trying to hold his head up high but failing and getting stares from all of the more formally dressed people sitting around the restaurant.

He guesses that his torn black skinny jeans and Haikyuu shirt don't count as classy, that or he just hasn't mastered the upperclass strut quite yet.

He tries not to let it get to him but when he sees the prices on the menu he almost drops dead from a heart attack. All while Eren watches him with a full smile.

Eren decides on a food and closes his menu almost immediately after opening it. Levi doesn't order, he's too busy trying to maintain consciousness at the sight of the food prices.

The waiter walks over to their table seemingly not caring whether Levi's menu is closed or not and asks if they're ready to order.

Eren utters the name of some weird food that Levi has no clue what is for the both of them and the waiter takes their menus with a bow.

Levi has absolutely no clue what's happening, his head is still spinning thinking about how much Eren spent on him today. And apparently Eren still had loads more money to spend.

The drinks and food come quicker than expected and everything is insanely tiny for its price. He's gonna die. Eren notices his panic and digs in to his own food with a hearty grin.

Levi's heart skips a beat.

"So, Levi" Eren pauses to gain Levi's attention and then continues. "There's something I need to tell you." Levi's heart stops beating entirely. He'd come on this date ready for rejection but he didn't think that it'd happen this early on.

And after Eren spent so much money on him too...

Levi's entire demeanor changes and a sad aura surrounds him. He knew that a poor fucking twat such as himself wasn't worth enough to even be in the same state as Eren so he'd come prepared to be told that much.

The thing is that Eren also looked nervous, so it must be something fairly serious. After moments of eating in silence Eren speaks up.

"Levi, I want to be your-" he pauses to gulp as Levi listens intensely and takes another sip from his drink. Eren looses his composure and a feeling of awkwardness settles over the room.

"Your..." he trails off again, swallowing hard. "Goddamit! I want to be your..." Eren blushes at the word he's about to say, with his sentence hushed down to a whisper he speaks. "Your 'sugar daddy' that's what I want to be."

Levi chokes on his drink.

Hold the phone...


"Eren!" Levi shouts, flushed red from head to toe. He's already causing a scene.

"Don't fucking ask me that! Not in a restaurant at least! Have you no shame?!" Eren averts his gaze bashfully.

"I'm sorry" his head hangs low like that of a scolded dog's "but could you consider it?" Levi pauses in thought for a moment, Eren did just go out of his way to give him an amazing first date and with him as his "sugar daddy" there would probably be thousands more of these amazing dates.

It couldn't be that bad could it?

Levi sighs.

"Okay Eren, I'll do it." Eren has to use all of his self control to keep from pouncing on Levi right then and there. His small virgin body has no clue what the term means entirely, yet he still makes a deal with the brunet.

Eren's expression darkens with realization.

"Levi, you do know what that means right?" Eren is absolutely aware that the ravenette is a virgin and that he'll be stealing his 'first time' if he agrees to his terms so he makes sure that Levi knows what he's in for.

It's almost like a question mark pops up over his head...

Levi is clueless.

"Yeah... I go over to your house and spend time with you in exchange for money right?" This is what Levi was getting so freaked out about?! Eren takes a deep breath, Levi isn't entirely wrong.

"Yeah..." he decides to just leave it at that for today, unsure if he could actually tell Levi that it means he has to have sex with him.

He'll tell him once everything's settled.

Eren pays for the food and leaves the restaurant with Levi following suit. They go straight to the car without a word.

A few minutes after he starts the car, Eren lets out a long sigh and starts to talk.

"Levi..." he starts watching as the older boy looks up at him a bit to innocently for what he's about to suggest he continues. "You know that this whole erm arrangement thing works by you having sex with me in exchange for gifts and, yeah money."

Levi stares blankly at him for a moment in contemplation before he comes to the conclusion that he's already in his twenties and he's never had sex so he might as well just go with it.

"Yeah, alright. Just explain it in more detail later, okay." Eren sighs in relief.

"Okay!" Eren leans over his seat to give Levi a big hug before he gets into his house. He grabs some of the bags an carries them to his door, he repeats the process until they're all in front of his house.

He doesn't take them in though.

Instead, Levi waves him goodbye and disappears into his home.


Well, that was the start I guess, I don't really have a plot for this story so I'm just making it up as I go lol. Oh and the actual smut stuff is gonna happen soon so hold on tight...

Word count: 1,208

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