The Interview

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I don't own the art above credits to the artist

To anyone who decided to read this chapter, thank you so much! I hope you enjoy!

*This chapter takes place a week after the prologue*

Levi's POV:

I rush trough the rain with my phone in hand, trying to navigate my way trough New York's busy streets. I glance down at the screen which has droplets of water collected on it and look for directions to the coffee shop where the interview is to be held.

My shoes click on the concrete sidewalk as I begin to run at full speed. I'm nearly late. I take my coat off and throw it over my head to shield me from the rain.

Just before the coat starts to droop from the water, I make it to the coffee shop. One minute early mind you. I look around the small coffee shop for a person dressed formally.

I spot a burnet in a suit waving me over. I quickly scurry over to his table and take a seat. I can feel him sizing me up already. This makes me a bit uncomfortable and I rub my arm awkwardly.

"So then... you must be Levi Ackerman, correct?" He speaks formally, glaring at me with sharp eyes that make me uneasy.

"Um- y-yeah." I stutter gazing down at my feet. I shift uncomfortably in my chair. He chuckles.

"You know, it's unprofessional to stutter, right?" He smirks. This catches me off guard.

"I-I wasn't aware!" I whine a bit causing the burnet to lift a cocky brow.

"You just stuttered right then too~" he laughs.

"Sorry." I mutter under my breath. He looks at me as if he has something to say.

"What is it?" I tilt my head looking him in the eyes subtly.

"Oh it's nothing, just that you look so much smaller than I'd imagined." I almost growl, and he calls stuttering unprofessional?! I must say he's pretty ballsy to be talking to me like that.

"Hey! Call me short all you want but that doesn't mean I can't kick your ass you brat!" He pulls a pouty face.

"Me, a brat? Now Levi that's no way to talk to your future boss~" he taunts with a sickening grin. So he's a cocky one eh? Well boss or not, I'm not taking his shit!

"Just get to the point ocean- eyes." This doesn't help him get to the point- like, at all.

"You really think my eyes look like oceans!?" He perks up like an excited dog.

"I thought you said this was an interview, shouldn't you be asking interview-y questions?!" He shrugs.

"Yeah probably, but there's no need for that- I'm the head of the business and I've already set my heart on having you hired so this is really just a get to know you because you seemed interesting..." he speaks nonchalantly.

I almost die right then.

He's Eren Yeager?!

The burnet laughs again.

"Yep! I'm Eren Yeager! Head of the Yeager corps! But I was saving that surprise until the end..." he trails off with a pout. I feel my soul slip out of my body. Did this guy really only interview me just to fuck with me!?

"Dammit! It would have been much appreciated if you'd have started with that!" I hiss watching as he rests his head on his hand and glares at me with a smile.

"Aww but that would've ruined your cute reaction!" He chirps watching my face turn completely red.

"S-shut your m-mouth!" I shout with my eyes shut in anger.

"See~" he coos while staring at me with a sharp expression.

"Jeez! I can't believe someone like you owns a business!" He smiles tenderly.

"Well, in all fairness, I inherited the business, it wasn't like I really had a say in any of it." He speaks seeming to be completely out of it while talking about his business.

But for some reason, I don't like seeing a frown on his face.

"Hey you don't seem to look like you enjoy your job that much..." I gaze down at the floor with a soft blush tinting my cheeks.

"Oh?" He speaks looking at me happily "I don't." I frown.

"Wow, sounds like you're in a shitty situation it's a shame too because you were almost beginning to seem tolerable..." He perks up instantly.

"You really think so!?" I swear this man is an Inu or something.

"Never mind, I take it back. Go die."

"Aww c'mon we were finally getting somewhere with this interview~"

Just then my phone pings and I jump up a little bit immediately knowing who the notification is from.

"Yeah- um shit I need to go!" I say glancing at a message from Mikasa saying that Furlan and Isabel are visiting for a while.

Eren pouts once more.

"Ok just give me your phone number so I can text you your starting date at the company" he closes his eyes and smiles widely.

"Yeah, sure." I grab a pen out of my pocket and steal a napkin from the napkin holder. I hurriedly scribble my phone number on the napkin and then dash out of the restaurant.

The rain grows heavier and I stop to catch my breath for a bit under the overhang of a store. I pant heavily and gaze down at my shoes soaked in rain with an expression of displeasure.

The second I look up I see Eren running my way and yelling after me.

"Levi!" He screams also panting heavily trying to get my attention. I tilt my head in confusion and he continues.

"Let me give you a ride!" I almost smile at how much of an idiot this man is. Did he really chase after me in the rain just to offer me a ride?

I sigh in defeat knowing that it'd be rude to refuse his offer after he's chased after me in this rain.

"Yeah." I look him in the eyes.

"I'd like a ride."


I hope I didn't write them too ooc anyways, thank you to anyone who may be reading UwU

Word count: 1,031

Sweetheart- EreRi Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora