Pressing Matters

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I don't own the art above credits to the artist!

Nobody's POV:

Levi didn't know what was motivating him to leave his home. He could of easily just put Eren off and made up an excuse... but he didn't and that was what aggravated him the most.

He's positive that his feelings for Eren have already been established, he hates him. Why else would his heart be beating so fast at the mention of Eren? What other word would there be to describe the hot gut feeling that he gets around the brunet?

Oh no.

Levi doesn't believe in love at first sight, doesn't believe in spur-of-the-moment decisions, he thinks that everything should be thought trough properly before being executed to avoid disaster.

Levi was thoroughly convinced that by thinking  things through, there could be no errors.

But he was wrong, so wrong.

There isn't a specific formula for life, there are times when making logical decisions is the right thing to do and there are times when not following your logical side is the right thing to do.

Thing is, love doesn't work that way.

Whether you follow your heart or follow your head, love is a gamble.

And Levi, little did he know, was already willing to make that gamble.

Levi's POV:

I can't hear anything other than the rhythmic clacking of my shoes against the sidewalk. It's almost noon.

I check the directions on my phone and see that I'm nearly 20 minutes away from the destination on foot.

I've been walking for almost an hour. I'm starting to wish that id've just swallowed my pride and let Eren drive me over there. I grow noticeably angrier and earn stares from other pedestrians but, I of course, pay them no mind.

I just keep walking in the same direction with my head hung low in thought

'It's gonna take forever to get to the dammed place.'

With a sigh I pick up pace and start to run, I only have five more minutes until I get there. I finally start to see a large white building come into view.

'The central library?'

I perk up and check my phone. It says that I've arrived so it really must be the central library! Maybe I should keep Eren, he truly does know how to please a man.

With a smile I walk to the front gates and look for Eren.

'I'm a little early... but I'm sure Eren wouldn't mind if I went in without him...'

I grow restless and step into the building. Just as I step into the doors I hear my name being called. I whip my head around and see an overjoyed brunet who's right on time.

I groan a bit and usher him over. He gladly complies and begins to run in my direction. I have to settle down before I explode with euphoria.

Eren notices my excited bounces and chuckles, how exactly did he know that taking me to a pretty library would win me over?

He watches my eyes light up when we step inside. (AN: for anyone who's never seen/ been to the New York central library, I'll try my best to describe it lol)

Inside, the walls are lined from corner to corner with books and in the middle of the library sits just about ten rows of tables each with a lamp set in between every four chairs.

The lamps give off a beautiful light with a yellow hue that just seems to tie the entire look together. Eren walks off to go get us coffees so I take the chance to wander around the library.

I skim through nearly an entire wall of books, selecting a horde of them to try out. The stack of books rests uneasily in my arms as I stumble over to a table.

The weight of the books shifts with mine as I set them down on the table like a little kid who has just picked out a bunch of new toys. Excitedly, I lay them all down and do eeni-meeni-minie- mo.

Eren walks back to me with two coffees and a wide smile. He sets them down on the table and watches me with a loving gaze. I don't even bother to speak to him, I'm too caught up in choosing a book.

I finally finish my selection and gaze down at the book in my hands with a happy look. It's a book by Suzanne Collins, that sure does bring back memories.

Her books always bring with them a great deal of nostalgia.

I decide on getting the book because what could it hurt.

Eren's POV:

God he's precious. If I hadn't known better I probably would have assumed that Levi was a child. He just looks so in his own element when he's looking for books, it's adorable.

His eyes light up just like a child's would.

It's very hard to believe that he's the older of us two. I continue to gawk at him as he sips his coffee and reads his book. I really do like this man, I hope he can grow to like me back.

My feelings towards everyone are simple. I either love you romantically, platonically or I hate you. There's no in between and as such, I hate a lot of people.

But then again I love a lot of people so in the end it balances out I guess. I believe in love at first sight. I think that love is a gut feeling and so long as you follow your heart nothing can go wrong.

Of course there are some restrictions to love such as age and sexuality but as long as there's legal consent from both people, I don't see the problem.

I mean- just following my instincts has proven to get me farther in love than to use logic. Well, with common sense that is-

I turn to look at Levi once more until his voice snaps me out of my trance.

"Eren! I found the books that I wanted, I'm gonna go and check them out now okay..." I smile at him.

"Alright! Are you ready to go to the mall after this then?" He looks up at me skeptically while he sets his books and his library card onto the counter for the librarian to check out.

"R-really?" He stutters, jeez I can't believe that this way the boy who cursed me out by text. I flash him an ear-to-ear smile.

"Yeah, really." He nods and goes to pick his books, card and receipt up. He thanks the librarian and I follow him out of the library. He seems to have remembered what my car looks like because he begins to walk in it's general direction.

I laugh a bit and unlock the car. It's parked fairly close to the building because we got there early enough to get an actual parking space. Levi pops the trunk and sets his books in it before getting into the car.

I smile at him tenderly before nagging at him to put on a seatbelt and starting up the car. The shopping center isn't that far from here so the directions are already kind of implanted in my brain.

Levi of course doesn't know that. He forms a questioning glance that quickly turns into one of realization. He gasps.

"Eren where the fuck are you taking me, you don't even have directions to the mall on this is some half-assed kidnapping!" I almost facepalm.

"Levi, calm down. I know the directions to the mall from here." He relaxes a bit and a blush of embarrassment spreads across his cheeks.

"S-sorry." He mutters under his breath. I pretend not to hear him and keep driving.

I have a proposal for Levi that I hope he'll accept, maybe if I'm lucky—things will go well for me this time.


I've decided to make Eren a sugar daddy. Umm yeah, that was just a casual date but I'll have the smutty stuff start in the next chapter lol.

Word count: 1,358

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