Dealing Unwanted Emotions

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I don't own the art above, credits to the artist :p

I'm so sorry for not updating sooner, school just started and there's been problems at home and everything's a mess.


This chapter does contain sensitive topics such as rape, so for the safety of anyone reading I ask that if this is a trigger for you, you skip the scenes. I've added warnings before and after the scene takes place to ensure your wellbeing and thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoy the chapter :)

S m u t

Nobody's POV:

Eren had decided that it was time to take Levi home.

The raven haired boy was grinding on him and whining lustfully, he'd gathered quite the crowd actually. People had given him pleased glances.

Eren was jealous.

And being jealous for a person who is in a submissive state is never a good idea.

Levi was not in his right mind because he was intoxicated.

And Eren was not in his right mind because he was jealous.

Levi was seated in the passengers side of the car with legs that were spread uncomfortably wide. His eyes seemed to shine with the not-so-foreign emotion of raw, unrefined ecstasy. The poor boy seemed to mewl relentlessly without a trace of his rational side evident.

Oh no, the boy was completely and totally at Eren's mercy.

And Eren would be lying if he said that he didn't like this different more needy side of Levi. He loved the feeling of having control actually, especially when it came to his gorgeous and seemingly stubborn partner.

Eren's hands were shaking. He had been trying to keep his hands to himself but Levi's incessant wails and flushed face had made it extremely hard.

It was like the raven was in heat or something. Eren chuckled softly to himself.

'I'm sure that Levi will be so hot and bothered when he wakes up and finds out that I took care of him'

Eren's mind began to wonder and make more odd scenarios. Though even amongst the more outlandish ones, he didn't want to manipulate the raven while he was still intoxicated.

But sadly enough, his rationale was long gone.

His morals were fucked for sure, but not as fucked as Levi was to be ;). Eren didn't want to deal with the raven's scoldings when he woke up and he knew that what he'd been planning to do was a federal offense but he was selfish and sadistic.

Not exactly what most would consider a 'good combination' of traits. The brunet sped through traffic without a single appropriate thought crossing his mind.

His mouth watered hungrily and his legs shook restlessly in anticipation. He wasn't drunk on alcohol, he was drunk on need. Soon enough the brunet's large house came into view.

Eren parked his car in the vast driveway and drug Levi's limp body along with him. He didn't even lock his car, he was too set on having the time of his life with the boy.

Levi's arms hung limp and his eyes were shut tightly, he'd long since been passed out. His raven hair was unruly and his skin was hot.

⚠️there is rape in this scene, if you do not want to read it, just skip ahead to the aftermath please ⚠️

Somewhere along the walk to the bedroom Eren had lifted the smaller boy into his arms and carried him bridal style. He didn't lay him on the bed carefully. He practically slammed him onto the mattress actually.

But Eren didn't feel the slightest bit of remorse. His mind was so clouded with ecstasy that he couldn't even manage to worry for the smaller's safety.

He peeled his shirt off hurriedly and did the same with Levi's partially undone button-up. He was already hard and so was Levi. The tension between the two was thick despite Levi's being unconscious.

Eren began to rub the ravenette like his life depended on it the boy subconsciously let out a small and almost inaudible moan. Eren loved the boy's sound so he found it a shame that he wasn't moaning all that loudly but Levi, being unconscious was erotic in its own way to Eren.

Eren fingered the him lightly and stretched him out slowly. His fingers trailed the inside of the raven's hole in a scissoring motion.

It was such a routine gesture that it was almost mesmerizing in an odd way. Eren liked the way that Levi's body would twitch a little every time that he'd touch him. He could watch the him squirm for hours and never get bored.

Levi's mouth was hung open and his (very) light breathing would become erratic every time that Eren's fingers would move inside of him. It took the brunet a while to stretch the smaller boy out because he was tight, so tight.

Eren slid his fingers out of the raven's hole and unbuckled his belt with a sly grin. The brunet flipped the raven onto his belly and slashed the belt across his back.

The raven woke up. The he was so out of it that he didn't realize what was happening until after Eren had whipped him a second time.

Eren's neighbors probably abhorred him by now.

Levi cried out as the belt was drawn across his back a third time. The belt had made a cracking sound that was loud enough to have been mistaken for a gunshot from close by.

Eren ignored the smaller's cries of pain and slid himself right in to his hole. He was barely even lucid enough to know what Eren was doing.

He pleaded for the Eren to stop in the clearest speech that he could muster up but Eren was way to far gone to comply.

He thrusted hard, not faltering for a single second. Levi gave in somewhere along the line. He couldn't exactly stop the brunet however because though the two weren't close in height, they were close in muscle mass and with Eren's determination and Levi's drunken state, there was no way that he could stop the brunet.

Eren ended up cumming inside of Levi and Levi ended up staying the night.

Eren went two more rounds before he finally came to and left the bedroom, he didn't even say a single word to Levi as the soft clicking of his heels against the hardwood fed into the cold atmosphere.

⚠️this is the end of the scene, thank you all for your compliance and support for this story ⚠️

In the end, none of this was Levi's fault for having a body that Eren liked but rather Eren's fault for not faltering in the slightest when he was asked to.

————————time skip :p————————-

When Levi woke up it was almost noon. He ached everywhere and it was almost unbearable to stay standing up. On his wrists there were rope burns as well as on his legs. But above all else, his back ached the most.

He decided to take a warm bath in hopes that it would help with his pain but it didn't, it just stung like hell. He was aware that he wasn't in his own house but he'd just figured that he drank too much and Eren had ended up letting him stay the night.

How he got there didn't really bother him. It was why he ached so much that irked him.

He stepped out of the tub cautiously and looked into the mirror at an angle odd enough that let him see his back.

He was shocked.

There, strewn across his pale skin like claw marks, were three bright red slashes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2020 ⏰

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