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I don't own the art above, credits to the artist!

Levi's POV:

Eren's finally left but at what cost? I have to stay in contact with him now, I wouldn't call that a win at all...however, I do find myself enthralled. I really would like to hear more about Eren's dreams.

Eren is beautiful, no doubt about it but I absolutely don't want to start a relationship with him yet. I don't have feelings for him, I think of him as a boss and nothing more so yes, he's gorgeous and interesting to me but not in that way never in that way.

I don't believe in the whole 'love at first sight thing' but I can learn to love people and maybe it'll be that way with Eren. I don't know though, to me he comes off as annoying and clingy but that could just be an act.

Maybe I'll get to meet the real Eren soon.

No! Absolutely not! I don't want an intimate relationship with him! The only relationship I want with him is like a co-worker kind of friendship without benefits. I mean- I've tried to have that kind of relationship with someone before but it didn't work out, I figured out that I can't be in a relationship that's not built out of love and trust.

But I don't love Eren.

And I don't trust Eren.

Nothing personal though, I mean- we just met but I should give it time. Maybe I'll see that he's not that bad. Maybe.

"Levi sweetie, are you okay?" My mom asks, looking at me with a worried expression.

"Huh? Oh! Yeah I'm fine! I just... spaced out a little but I'm back now!" I flash her a cheerful smile.

"You sure, does it have to do with that boy you brought with you?" I shake my head.

"Nah, I'm just erm... happy yeah, happy that uh... Isabel and Furlan are coming over!" My mom smiles.

"Yeah, it's been a while since you've seen them huh?" I nod, trying to contain my excitement, holy shit that worked.

Usually absolutely nothing can get past my mom but I guess she doesn't realize blatant lies nowadays.

I sigh a sigh of relief quietly under my breath before being snapped out of it by a ringing doorbell. I perk up. It's probably Isabel and Furlan!

I sprint over to the door and open it with a wide smile that exposes my dimples. I run up to Isabel and Furlan and hug them tightly. Furlan smiles back and so does Isabel.

"Hi baby bro!" I hug them.

"How's it going big bro?" Isabel chirps. I laugh.

"It's going well for me, how about for you guys." They smile in unison.

"Yep, everything's going well! Though Furlan's car broke down so I had to make a stop by his house and pick him up." Isabel frowns.

"That sucks" I squint my eyes and examine Isabel and Furlan like a three year old.

"Did you guys by chance happen to bring any food?" Furlan chuckles.

"Yeah baby bro, I brought you some food."

I smile.

"Great! Glad to see that you prioritize the important things!"

———after Isabel and Furlan leave———

I sigh heavily. Jeez they sure do talk a lot. I want to sleep now. As if on cue, I yawn loudly and slump upstairs. I open my door and flop on my bed.

I roll over lazily and grab my phone. I look at my screen and see 20 texts and 3 missed calls from an unknown number. I sigh loudly and look at the messages, each read something along the lines of:

'It's me eren'

'I know the place where we should go'

'I'll see you tomorrow'

'Why aren't you answering'


'Do you hate me?'

I sigh. Can't I just be left alone for a minute?! I decide to save the number and ignore the texts. I just want sleep. I try to fall asleep quickly, forgetting about the texts and my new job.

Everything feels so serene. Everything feels so right. I can hear my own soft breath and loud thoughts. I can see my own chest rise and fall to an unknown rhythm.

And I can hear my heartbeat, slow and steady. I sink into my bed and sigh. Just as I try to fall asleep thoughts of Eren flood my mind. He's so fucking annoying!

Why didn't he think to tell me that he was the head of the business that he'd hired me for! Ugh! I just hate stupid cocky brats like him!

I bury my face into my pillow and let out a long groan. The peace that had once settled over this room is gone now. It's chaotic albeit quiet but still chaotic.

With my mind racing I can't expect to get any sleep any time soon. I sit up and look down at my notifications again.

I've been spammed.

<c'mon don't get cold feet now!

<I gave you the address if you want to drive there yourself tomorrow

<at least answer my texts, you're so unprofessional

An anger wells up inside me and I huff, texting a quick response.

>you dumb bitch, I was sleeping

I lie, scowling.

<oh well then my bad! Sorry for waking you up...

I give my phone an unnecessarily cold glare as my hands shake while I try to text back. Over and over I delete the message deciding that each try was wrong. After minutes of shaky hands barely missing a letter to a word, I come up with a decently hostile sounding text.

>yeah, you'd better be, I'll get there myself tomorrow but just leave me the hell alone until then you stupid fuck or I'm blocking your ass

<can do!

I leave him on read not knowing how to respond to that text and sigh a sigh of relief when he finally leaves me alone.

I grip onto my pillowcase and shove my face into it with a groan that drags on for almost a minute.

"At least Eren listened to me" maybe he's not that bad, I need to get out soon anyways before I become a shut in. Anxiety brings another sleepless night and leaves my mind spewing thoughts at an alarming rate.

'I wonder how tomorrow will go...'


Yikes, this is turning into a bit of a slow- burn fic so I think I'll turn things around by adding smut in the next chapter or the one after that lol.

Word count: 1,088

Sweetheart- EreRi Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin