Chap 1: "Will you take the offer?"

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Adrian P.O.V:

I was waking up feeling a lot of pain on my head .I opened my eyes that I wasn't in my room,on my bed, sleeping. I was about to stand up when I felt a strong grip on both of my wrists. I saw two metal chains holding my wrists. I looked around and it was all dark, no light at all .After a few minutes, I heard a door opening. "W-Who is t-there?! S-Show y-yourself!"I stuttered, scared.

" As you wish," I heard a man say. The lights were switched on and I saw an old man. He was wearing a vacation themed shirt and blur pants. He had a moustache and a short beard. He looked like a... friendly man.

He smiled at me and said, "Greetings Adrian."

I stuttered again,asking, "W-Who- Why- Where am I?"

"Don't worry, Adrian. I won't hurt you," he said coming towards me. I shut my eyes closed as I thought this is where he takes out a weapon and kills me,... Right? But to my surprise, he opened the locks on the chains, releasing my arms. I was indeed shocked.

He walked over to a table with two chairs. On the table were two teacups and a kettle. He sat on one of the chairs and I followed. I would have ran but there weren't any windows open and the door was locked.

He poured tea into the teacups, taking one and placing one in front of me. I didn't take it as what if there's poison in it. The man started drinking his cup of tea and looked at me.

"You should drink it, it'll help with your headache and I promise there isn't any poison in it." He told me with a kind smile.

Surprisingly, I did drink the tea under two reasons. First, my headache was getting more painful and I could literally do anything do sooth it or get rid of it. Secondly, a part of me trusted the man. After we drank the ted, my headache was gone. Like, literally, it felt like it was never there in the first place.

The man looked at me with another kind smile again," You must have a lot of questions, don't you?" I nodded slowly. "Then, follow me," he walked towards the door. Curiosity got the best of me and so I did follow him. He unlocked the door and we went outside.

There were many doors meaning many rooms. We went to a room and he unlocked it .He went in first and I, hesitantly, went inside. I looked around and saw a room with fifteen ,I don't know what to call them but they were like, I guess, pedestals. Each 'pedestal' had different colours and there was a stand in front of them all. Some of the stands had a weird looking box while others didn't. I was completely and utterly confused. He kept on walking and so did I until we reached a black and green pedestal with a box in front of it.

He began:
"I know you are confused and I will explain everything. We are at a secret organization base which I lead. My organization is of the chosen people who are trained to become spies. We are at the main room of this base. You see these pillars. Some of them have a box and some don't. This so because I have already found some of the chosen ones and given them their box. Inside these boxes, there is a piece of jewellery. We are standing in front of the black cat's pillar." He takes the box from the stand.

"Adrian Agreast, you are the chosen one to have the black cat ring. I can feel your aura and I know I am making the right decision. Will you take this offer?" He asked

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 1 of miraculous spies. Leave a comment.

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