Chapter 4:

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Some other place.

??: The black cat miraculous has been activated, I can sense it.

The next day

No one's P.O.V.:

Adrian's alarm went off a couple of times and then he finally gave up and decided to face the following day. He got dressed in a black T-shirt, a green jacket, black pants and black sneakers with green laces. He had always liked the colours black and green. And thought that it may have been destiny to get his miraculous. He stopped thinking so over-confidently and went outside.

Luckily, the rooms had labels written which room was which. He passed Felix's room and another room without a label. He didn't pay much attention to it. He went to the dining room as he was hungry and heard some people talking. He went inside the room and everyone was in the room. He said good morning to everyone. He sat down and Alya gave him a plate of pancakes. Soon, he finished his breakfast and then Master Fu said, "Well, I think everyone has met Adrian. I hope you put everything into being a spy but that'll take time as you will start training today. You will learn how to transform into your spy self, your weapon, how to use it and your special power." Adrian asked, "What about school?" Master Fu replied, "You will keep going to go to school. Felix and Bridgette you are getting transferred into their school." Felix and Bridgette nodded. "Well, now I have to go. Felix and Bridgette will help you, Adrian and the rest of you will train. Go to the training room." He demanded, but not harshly.

All of them except Master Fu went to the training room. Felix and Bridgette started training Adrian.

Felix said, "Okay, First you have to transform into your spy self. Say the words." He looked at him, confused, "What words?" Bridgette then said, "Ask your Kwami, the words you have to say to transform into Chat Noir." He asked Plagg to come out and he immediately told him the words. Felix said, "Now, try to focus." Bridgette rolled her eyes and said, "Don't be so harsh to him. It's his first time." She looked at Adrian and said, "Relax, okay?" He nodded and took a deep breath. Adrian said, "Plagg!!! Claws out!!!"Adrian felt a black light glowing on my body and felt a warm skin-tight suit on his body. He had cat ears, a tail (more like a belt), a yellow bell on his collar and his suit was all black. His ring had turned into a black ring with a green paw. He had a metal stick over his hips. He looked at himself and he was taught about his cataclysm, his abilities and other stuff. The day passed on and...

Somewhere else

??: "I can feel that he has learned his power and has begun his training." The person smirked. "Looks like I am going to pay a visit to my old mentor, soon."

A/N: Hope you guys liked chapter 4. Be sure to follow, vote and leave a comment (kindly).

Peace out


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