Request → B.H

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"Jesus what a fucking car ride" Nessa complained stretching
"you're telling me? i had Jaden's elbow in my side the entire way here" Ariah complained
"Well i had Griffin drooling into me" Dixie said pointing to her shirt which had an obvious pool of wetness on it
"Well let's get the tents ladies and gentlemen" anthony said handing us each a bushbaby tent

I sighed as i catch the tent and grab the supplies.

"Uh we have a couple in a tent" Avani yelled
"well who's sleeping with me because i have a tent?" Ariah asked
"Bryce" Griffin said
"what! no! no ma'am no thanks, i'm going home. have a great trip" Ariah said putting the tent down and marching over to the car
"what i thought you liked Bryce" Nessa smirked
"what no. ew he snores like a fucking pig and i'm not going that" Ariah covered

Truth be told Ariah had had a crush on Bryce for the longest of times, she'd told the girls in full confidence and now they were plotting against her to get her and Bryce in the same tent.

After 2 hours of reading instructions and Bryce finally getting the tent up the whole group sat round a fire that Josh and Nessa had skilfully got up the crew sat around the fire making s'mores and laughing

"You chilly?" Bryce asked
"yeah little bit" Ariah answered shivering a bit
"c'mere" Bryce said opening this blanket

Skepticallg Ariah got up from her chair and sat on Bruce's lap, curling into his warm embrace as he closed the blanket

"Okay since we're all super comfortable" Nessa began
"Ariah more than the rest of us" Charli yelled
"shut up Charli" Ariah mumbled into Bruce's chest making him laugh
"Let's play never have i ever" Nessa said "kids version because i don't think it would be safe for a bunch of teens to be drunk in the woods"

We all laughed and began the game, the questions slowly escalating from "never have i ever shat without flushing" to "never have i ever masterbauted to the thought of a house memeber"

"okay i have one!" Dixie yelled "never have i ever been in love with my best friend"

Reluctantly Ariah took a small sip that didn't go unnoticed by Bryce who decided to leave the question for later. A few hours later the couples retreated to their respective tents, putting the fire out.

Ariah grabbed a shirt and slipped it on, putting her hair into a band feeling eyes on the back of her head

"is my back sexy for you Bryce" She joked
"are you in love with me?" he blurted out taking Ariah by surprise
"what makes you think that?" she asked
"you took a drink when Dixie asked and don't give me that "it's not you" bull because i've always been your best friend" Bryce said slightly raising his voice
"Yes" Ariah said in a small voice

Bryce smiled widely, taking Ariah and pulling her into his embrace. He cupped her cheek before pulling her into a sweet kiss.

"Good cause i was about to beat a ass" He smirked making Ariah slap his chest playfully
"now come cuddle me"

Idk, i tried to make this as cute as possible but as you can tell i'm single and that didn't happen

but i hope you enjoyed 🤍

🧞‍♀️requests are open


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