Requested → P.H

516 13 2

Y/N sat at her desk, glasses sitting at the brim of her nose as she typed away at her college application essay. She hadn't seen her boyfriend Harvey since the morning she closed the door of the study in their apartment. As if her thoughts had been heard the door opened and in walked Harvey. She hadn't looked up, knowing very well from the scent of hot chocolate and baked goods was him.

"for you" he said sliding the tray next to her papers and peppering a kiss on her temple

Y/N smiled gratefully, waiting to hear the door close as Harvey left but upon hearing none she finally looked up at her boyfriend. His face was the literal embodiment of the "🥺" emoji

"Mami" he said quietly
"what's wrong papi?" She asked
"can we have a baby?" he asked

Silence adorned them before Y/N let a laugh rip through the atmosphere. She slipped her glasses off her face, wiping the tears under her eyes as she heaved in recovery from the good laugh

"that was a good one baby, i needed that" she said
"i-I'm not joking" he said
"Harvey" Y/N said dropping her shoulders
"listen look baby, imagine how cute our baby would look i mean they would probably be dark skin like you baby, we're gonna have a baby girl who'll be a beautiful black diamond like you mami and please imagine how cute you'll look all pregnant and shit waddling everywhere and-
"okaaaay! slow down there cassenova!" Y/N laughed "no"

Harvey's face dropped. He dropped to his knees in front of his girlfriend

"but- but baby why" he whined like a child
"because you're not carrying the baby Harv, you're gonna be our living your best life for 9 months, you're not gonna have to buy new clothes because yours don't fit, you won't have a fetus pressing against your bladder making you pee every half a minute, you're not gonna feel uncomfortable whenever he or she moves and best of all, you're not gonna push a living breathing human out of your vagina" Y/N said slapping his cheek softly

Harvey let out one more cry before burying his head in her lap. Y/N smiled at him, running her hand through his curls

"can we at least have a baby in the future" he mumbled
"after you marry me" she smirked

this was requested by CALLTHEPOPOHOE i hope i pulled your idea off- idk Harvey  but i tried it

🧞‍♀️requests are open


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