Really me? → N.E

812 17 1

I closed my locker, slipping my History textbook inside my tote and sliding it over my shoulder. A pair of hands gripped my shoulders from behind making me whirl around in surprise

"Are we ignoring texts now?" Avani said an amused smile
"shit, i'm sorry Vani, i fell asleep studying for this practical" i sighed running a manicured hand through my hair
"c'mon you always boss these"'Addison said
"yeah, well i have a bad feeling about this time" i sighed as we made our way to the Biology lab.

We continued our chat, laughing at Addison's story about her and Bryce as we walked into the lab. I took my seat next to Addison

"Alright, quiet down" Mrs Trotski said walking in "So today's practical is gonna be a little different, you're gonna work on it in pairs and it's gonna be a week long assignment"
"But ma'am-
"yes Mattia, this time it's different. You can pick your own partner" She smiled

Everyone squealed and cheered.

"Okay, you can go ahead and pick and get started for the next 2 periods" she smiled

i got up from my seat, walking over to Noen who sat alone in the front. I pushed the chair next to him out as i sat down and made myself comfortable

"Can i be your partner?" i asked sweetly as he nervously pushed his glasses up his nose
"you sure" he asked
"yeah" i beamed
"i mean it's not everyday a popular kid talks to me" he said sheepishly

i smiled at the cute gesture before opening my book and getting cracking. We ended up chatting between us rather than doing the actual project. The bell rang and i got up to get my backpack, when i turned around Noen was no where to be found. I frowned and made my way to the hallways where i saw his blonde hair

"Hey, before i leave, i wanted to give you my number so you can text me your address" i smiled
"my address?" he asked
"yeah, so i can come over and we'll do this project" i smiled
"oh no it's okay i'll do it all by myself and you'll just write your name" he smiled

I giggled "no silly, we're gonna do this together"

Noen blushed at the name before handing me his phone, i quickly typed in my number before handing him his phone back and kissing his cheek

"i'll see you in a few Noen"

2nd part?

🧞‍♀️drop ideas


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