Roomie → G.J

525 13 2

Slipping on my vans i grabbed my water bottle off the counter with my keys and made my way down to the campus lobbie yelling a quick "bye" to my roommate Helen

"Hey you!" Kels yelled holding up 2 pink drinks as she ran to me. I grabbed one from her
"You're awfully cheery this morning" i smiled
"yeah, well let's just say, Jaden got fucked the mean out of me" she smirked
"oh i didn't need that image in my head. i really didn't" i said scrunching my face up in disgust
"Yeah we'll have fun thinking about that in English literature" she smirked
"urgh. you had to remind me" i giggled

She walked me to my building before parting ways with me. I entered the building, greeting a couple of people on the way before entering the lecture hall. I took a seat next to Tucker as usual, pulling my note book out as Mr Saltz began the lesson

"Today's topic is the infamous Scottish Play. or better known as Macbeth!" he said passionately "I hope you all got the chance to read the play and interpret your own thoughts before i imbed my own in you, Mr Walls seeing as you were listening to me so carefully, even with your eyes closed, what's today's topic?"
"Uh, today's topic is Macbeth" Tucker answered skilfully earning a giggle from the class
"smart, but not quite" Mr Saltz said before turning to the board

I listened intently as he explained Shakespeares headspace at the time, the characters and how they are seen. Tapping my pencil against my lip in concentration

"In real life Duncan wasn't the nobel king that he is in the play, in fact he was corrupt and the people elected to have him put to death and the nobel Macbeth, hint to the way he was portrayed in the beginning, put on the throne. Not the way he takes the throne in the play but" he said turning to us "Who's responsible for Macbeth's demise in the end?"

I raised my hand

"Miss Y/N, lets hear" Mr Saltz said
"Simple, Macbeth is responsible for his own demise" i shrugged
"Why do you say so?" Mr Saltz asked
"You are responsible for your own actions, he killed Duncan, felt the power, felt threatened by Banquo and had him killed-
"Incorrect, he didn't kill Duncan on his own accord- Lady Macbeth got into his head and had him think he could kill Duncan and get away with it" Someone said

I looked behind me to see the voice belonged to a boy, tan skin, brown hair flopping in his face with his glasses on the bridge of his nose

"Lady Macbeth simply put out a suggestion, bait if you must and Macbeth bit. He had the choice not to" i said
"She called him weak- a wimp-
"So just because Lady Macbeth challenged Macbeth's masculinity and he felt the need to prove himself suddenly she becomes the antagonist? If there wasn't something called toxic masculinity then Macbeth wouldn't have been a little bitch and tried to prove himself to the dogs because at the end of the day he got bit" i said holding strong eye contact with the boy.

The bell rang, making the now silent classroom alive with the rushing of people wanting to leave to get to they're next class. I grabbed my tote and notebook, throwing the empty cup into the trash

"well that was intense" Tucker said jogging next to me
"egotistical disgusting little brat thinks that women have to bow down to whatever the fück they want. I'd like to crush his windpipe" i said venom laced
"woah there babe, he's a stranger" Tucker said as we pushed the doors open

Before i could answer him, i was spun around by none other then the kid i was arguing with. He had his glasses off now so i could see his beautiful brown eyes as well the tiny dust of freckles that adorned his nose

"If you don't mind i wanted to study for the Macbeth quiz with you" he said quickly
"Okay first off i don't even know your name what makes you think i'd want to study with you" i said snatching my arm from his grip
"Griffin. Griffin Johnson. And no ones ever argued a point that strongly so yeah" he shrugged
"Well Griffin. No." i said turning on my heel
"Well Dorm F, Room 34. tomorrow 7pm" he said before jogging off

"Woah, since when did you and Griffin start talking?" Kels said joining Tucker
"How do you know that asshole?" i asked
"woah, aggressive" Kels said
"Yeah, heated argument about Macbeth" Tucker said in a bored tone
"Well he's Jaden's roommate, pretty chilled guy if you ask me" Kels said
"Chilled?" i asked shocked
"Yup, look Y/N you need to get over whatever you 2 argued over or get under him" she said easily

I looked at her disgusted. I wouldn't even think of it.

i wouldn't know what to do for a 2nd chapter so don't ask ;)))))

🧞‍♀️drop ideas


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