Wow →T.L

812 16 1

"so you'd rather kiss her than me?"

the words ran through my head like a train on a circle train track, a never ending deafening noise. I looked straight at my white shoes that i had paired with a blue jean and a tube top. I sat a top the rock at the pool of the Hype House.

The water rippled with the reflection of the full moon. I had been sitting there a good 4 hours in silence, letting the my actions, his reaction, the sound of his voice calling after me play in my mind, stew and sink in. A single tear cascaded down my cheek, i brushed it off forcefully

My phone vibrated on the rock for the 46th time in the hour, again the same name ran across the top screen. I rolled my eyes finally switching my phone off.

"you know you're gonna have to talk to me at some point" a voice said from the doors startling me and interrupting my silent pity party
"we kinda live in the same house and we're bound to bump into each other" Tony said walking towards where i sat

I still said nothing, didn't move to look at him. He draped a blanket over my shoulders and sat next to me. He brought his knees to his chest, like me and sat in the silence. The silence this time had turned into a thick tension, waiting to be cut by one of us.

"what did you mean by those words?" Tony asked softly

I looked up at the stars that littered the sky, each of them burning in their own world unaware of the others existence but waiting to inevitably burn out and die.

Just a couple hours prior Tony had dragged me to a house party claiming that he knew no one there. I went along but soon enough found myself alone. Tony amoung the many couples of horny kids waiting for an empty bed. He sat on the couch, playing an intense game of tonsil tennis with a random.

Seeing him like that, you'd think i'd he used to it with his reputation but something came over me, anger? jealousy? envy? the power of the pussy? call it what you want but i was finally fed up with being brushed under the rug as a best friend. I pulled Tony away from the girl, pulling him out into the cold LA night, we argued and then those dreadful words slipped past me. As soon as i heard them i fled, Tony calling after me only causing me to speed up my step.

"Honestly Y/N please talk to me" Tony said putting his hand on my knee

I moved it off

"how long would it take you to count the stars in the sky?" i asked
"forever" he breathed out
"that's how long it would take to mend my heart"

Ray.... who hurt you????

lemme tell you sis- too many Chris Brown listening little boys.

🧞‍♀️drop ideas


 ࿐ྂNo Idea ࿐ྂ TikTok Boys ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang