Requested → T.L

976 15 5

I carried the semi heavy box into the house, Tony following me with a much heavier one. I dropped it in the freshly painted kitchen with a grunt as i stretched my back a bit.

"That was the last box" Tony said wrapping his arms around my waist
"ready to unpack?" i said
"yeah, Dre and the boys are coming around to help out" he said pressing a kiss to my temple before leaving

it wasn't long before the other boys came in, greeting me on their way upstairs. I opened the box and began packing the kitchen utensils neatly.

"Hey Y/N can i have a glass" Ondreaz said
"sure, top cupboard" i said my nose still in the spice rack
"i don't think i told you this but thank you" Ondreaz said making my pull my head up to face him
"it's just a glass Dre, everyone has one" i giggled
"not for this silly, i mean for everything you're doing for Tony" he said "i mean i've never seen my little brother speak so high of a girl, let alone want to marry her or even move in with her, he loves his space"

i laughed at the last statement "oh trust me i know"  i said wiping my hands down
"honestly Y/N you're the first girl he's been with that's met our parents" he said
"I feel so special now" i said dramatically making Ondreaz laugh
"i can't wait until you become my sister in law" he said softly punching my shoulder and leaving

I smiled at the moment and before long the boys were greeting us and heading on their way back to the Hype House. Exhausted i plopped down on the couch, Tony joining my later and pulling me into his arms

"i'm exhausted" he mumbled
"mmh, Dre told me something very interesting y'know" i said playing with his chain
"and what's that?" he asked
"that's for me to know and for you to never find out" i smiled
"oh, so now you're keeping secrets with my brother" he smirked
"it's a brother and sister thing" i smiled
"Just you wait until i make you Mrs Lopez" he mumbled

I snuggled into Tony's chest and before i knew it we were both fast asleep

someone requested this- and i couldn't find your @ but thanks for this cute little request, i hope you liked it!!!

🧞‍♀️requests are open


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